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Recent content by TGM

  1. TGM

    What to do with a New Holland, Clayson 1530.

    We bought ours about 8 years ago for just over £3000. cuts 100 acres a year. no bother. it's 53 years old. capable of 200 acres + per year. Moral is alway spend 500 + per year maintaining and I think these machines will run forever. gave it new feeder chains last year. gave it 2 new rasp...
  2. TGM

    Handheld sheep tag reader

    Read range is likely to be about 1 inch maximum. Why don't you just get a handheld tag reader and carry it around in your pocket. Robust unlike a phone. Read range 6 to 8 inches. Costs less than a typical phone. Connects to Bluetooth weigh scales or manually enter weights. Battery lasts for...
  3. TGM

    Herdwatch taking payments again

    We only do sheep shows as our software is sheep and goats only.
  4. TGM

    Herdwatch taking payments again

    Neill, you're not going to Malvern show next week are you? if you are, please call and say hello.
  5. TGM

    Herdwatch taking payments again

    To add my bit to this discussion, Like FM, our 30 day free trial of Select Sheepware is free. No bank details required. Try it, like it, buy it, or try it don't like it, delete it. If you go beyond the 30 days, the trial drops into read only mode, which will be unlocked if you go ahead and...
  6. TGM

    Agrident 300

    If the reader originally came from TGM, you're entitled to free sheep recording software. If you send me the last 5 digits of the serial number I'll know if it's one of ours. You can send by email using the contact details on our website.
  7. TGM

    Agrident 300

    if the reader came from TGM it will be set to switch off after 3 minutes. that can be changed easily in the setup menu. as mentioned above hold in down arrow for an immediate switch off.
  8. TGM

    Stick readers - Agrident vs Trutest

    booklet attached for connecting eziweigh7i
  9. TGM

    Stick readers - Agrident vs Trutest

    Hi, I would be extremely surprised if it's a faulty reader. In over 1000 Agrident reader sales, I've never had a faulty BT connection. I've had faulty other bits and bobs over the years, but never faulty BT. If you ring us in our office Monday after 9.30, I'll help you get it to connect...
  10. TGM

    Stick readers - Agrident vs Trutest

    alternatively, do the following. menu -> setup -> interface setup -> Setup Scale Set Scale type to Trutest choose to go back choose Bluetooth Set Bluetooth Mode to master Set BT profile to SPP Set BT Passkey to 0000 Choose Start BT enquiry reader will find the trutest Reader will beep and BT...
  11. TGM

    Stick readers - Agrident vs Trutest

    please give us a ring 02892689681 and we'll have your Eziweigh7 connected in seconds.
  12. TGM

    tagging at lambing for tracking performance.

    App running on both android and iPhone. Should be testing with real users in about 2 weeks. Target is to have it ready for release by Malvern Show. App syncs via WiFi. Still some coding to do to read bar code / qr code of medicine bottles and a few more things to be coded. It syncs directly to...
  13. TGM

    tagging at lambing for tracking performance.

    Thanks for the suggestions. It's on the agenda to allow users to select a simpler version of the birth task. same for the other tasks. We won't be touching tasks until after lambing is done. last thing we want is to make a simple change and then jigger up everybody's birth recording if we...
  14. TGM

    Recording data for sheep

    Our software works according to tupping/sire group. A tupping group may have 1 ram or multiple rams. When a lamb is born it inherits the sire group that it's mother was tupped with. If there's one single ram in the group, that ram becomes the sire. if more than one ram, the lamb record displays...
  15. TGM

    Lambing Outside and Recording Lambs Simply?

    That last post it was actually a psion with an extension stick attached to a weight crate with one female human, one dog and a good crate that achieved 400 lambs per hour. Video is on our website, 6 lambs in 50 seconds = 7 per minute = 420 per hour. Awr300 is just as fast and has better read...