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Recent content by Wuffler

  1. Wuffler

    Coffey gone!

    I await his inaugral speech in eager anticipation. (Not) Time to get the bulls**t Bingo card out again. :rolleyes: Expect words and phrases such as :- UK leading the way. Climate change. Long term future. This Government's pledge. Sustainability. Extreme weather events. This Government's...
  2. Wuffler

    Coffey gone!

    Steve Barclay is the tenth Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in the last twenty three years. In that time not one of them has lasted longer than two years at their post. Even football managers fare better than environment politicians. Expect more of the same. It's...
  3. Wuffler

    Minette Batters NFU president

    Yes, I have one. Can you ask her why she stood up warksfarmer at the local YFC dance all those years back. It's left him so bitter and twisted after all that time and he's such a nice bloke in real life...
  4. Wuffler

    Northern Lights

    Saw this at about 18:00 and just thought it was some strange ribbon like cloud. It's only when you photograph it do the colours stand out. It's called STEVE by the way. Who knew... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STEVE s
  5. Wuffler

    runners and riders in the next big race

    Here we go. Cue yet another twenty pages of hatred...:rolleyes:
  6. Wuffler

    Your current weather.

    PLEASE STOP F**KING RAINING! That ought to do it...:rolleyes:
  7. Wuffler

    Environment minister

    Her nickname is 'Nelly the Effluent' in certain circles... Harsh but funny.
  8. Wuffler

    Your current weather.

    Depressing isn't it! :( And it's still pissing down as I speak!
  9. Wuffler

    Kevs diary

    Very little hose/filler action going on from the outside. Looking at the steamed up windows, most of that action seems to be going on from the inside... Did you toot your horn Kev?... so to speak.
  10. Wuffler

    Minette Batters NFU president

    Sure as night follows day some things remain reliable and constant, such as warksfarmer's never ending rebuke of all things Minette. She once stood you up at a Young Farmers Dance didn't she? Come on, spill the beans. I think the TFF collective need to know...
  11. Wuffler

    Farmers earn more from YouTube than their crops

    Is there such a thing? He has lovely hands I thought, not like mine which look like they've been through 10 rounds of badger wrestling...
  12. Wuffler

    Farmers earn more from YouTube than their crops

    I thought Clive would be a lot taller and posher. He comes across as almost normal...:D
  13. Wuffler

    SFI the verdict .....

    The trouble is with common sense, it's not that effing common nowadays, especially when it comes to all things political...
  14. Wuffler


    Well that's my Halloween fancy dress costume sorted...