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  1. Adama News

    T2: the key spray timing for wheat

    With the T2 spray timing for wheat crops rapidly approaching thoughts turn to providing adequate protection to the top two leaves to keep them clean and disease free. T2 fungicide treatments are the most significant in terms of protecting final yields as it is this spray timing which provides...
  2. Adama News

    Multi-site chemistry: the agronomist’s view

    An interview with independent agronomist Ben Burrows of Crop Management. ADAMA: With regards to barley, what are the key diseases growers should be wary of, and have you seen an increase in the incidence of ramularia? Ben: In my opinion, the two most significant...
  3. Adama News

    Michael Thornton talks about Folpet

    We catch up with Mike Thornton from ProCam at our 2019 folpet relaunch event where he discuses his experience with folpet
  4. Adama News

    Chlorothalonil Deadline Looms

    Arable growers warned not to ditch multi-site fungicides as chlorothalonil deadline looms With the final use-up date for chlorothalonil rapidly approaching, arable growers in the UK will need to switch to folpet to maintain effective protection against cereal diseases such as septoria in wheat...
  5. Adama News

    Folpet: A unique multi-site for now and the future

    With resistance to single site fungicides making foliar diseases in wheat and barley increasingly difficult to control growers must use a multi-site fungicide such as folpet to provide effective protection and prolong the viability of azoles and SDHIs.
  6. Adama News

    Protecting barley at T2

    As the illustration below shows, the traditional spray programme for winter barley is for an optional T0 treatment as early as GS23 followed by a T1 spray using a robust application of broad spectrum fungicides at GS31. The subsequent T2 application is then made at GS39-49 with broad spectrum...