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  1. joe bloggs

    Market shares for 2013 annnounced

    I have no idea but there isnt many JDS in Russia or Africa.
  2. joe bloggs

    Market shares for 2013 annnounced

    That is only for the EU its the world market share that matters.
  3. joe bloggs

    merlo battery

    Never mind correct buy the biggest that will fit with the largest cranking amps possible
  4. joe bloggs

    Council work

    Farming rates then double it.
  5. joe bloggs

    format change?

    I have no idea what that is.
  6. joe bloggs

    format change?

    Just looks like the BFF to me cant tell the differance between the 2 now,Change for the sake of change is no improvement.If it aint broke dont fix it.but its all about the money now.
  7. joe bloggs

    The public`s priorities

    It would all sort itself out in the long run over supply leads to poor prices.Then survival of the fittest will come in to play nothing is new in farming.My grandfather explained this to me years ago.
  8. joe bloggs

    Death knell?

    Standard practice for builders to go bust walk away from all debt then start up again under the wifes name.
  9. joe bloggs

    The public`s priorities

    Why would the general populace have any interest in the price that dairy farmers recieve for milk.They rightly should be more concerned about another step in the curtailing of freedom in this country.
  10. joe bloggs

    Does having a big farm make you happy.

    A lot of farms near me are 1000s of acres in size and they are stoney broke.Then again they are estates encompassing several farms.
  11. joe bloggs

    Case 885 hydraulics

    A bit of tyre inner tube is the proferred method.