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  1. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    Like I said it was pre EID, it was a mistake, by us, AND the abattoir. Even with EID, and it is just a management tag presently, it is still possible to get the wrong passport out. Do tell how you achieve your perfect record keeping. It must be good to be able record all those pesky batch...
  2. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    That's in addition to decently bred - in terms of growth. Don't need any Us or Es Well grown for their age Not too wild Not too old - need to get em fit by they're 30m (to pay best store price) Less than 4 residencies - not my choice but I get deducted Now what have I forgotten?
  3. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    Well here goes I am a store cattle buyer Please could I have Farm Assured*, EID, Disudded, properly castrated, BVD/Johnes free, medical records and sire details. *People perhaps forget that others further up the chain pick up the pieces and make good the things you cant be bothered with. Some...
  4. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    So you are making all this fuss about ~£25 (extra ~ 50p/tag) per year?
  5. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    I know what you are saying but it doesn't make acceptable for us not to adhere to standards
  6. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    It is an issue for the whole industry - I stood watching cattle graded the other week, I asked why they where taking swabs off every carcase. Seemingly that is for when the retailer takes a piece of beef off the shelf somewhere and asks the processor what batch is was from they can dna test...
  7. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    Fair dos - but as in the other thread about integration then that info would be very useful to the chain as a whole.
  8. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    You are right about it being a silver bullet, but the eid does help to achieve the integrity by making data collection as you say easier and more accurate. What does make the difference is the computer/software used so that records are accurate and checks are made much easier. For example...
  9. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    I don't imagine all data would be open to all people but Wouldn't that open access to data be useful to those within the chain up and down? For example wouldn't you as a breeder be interested in how your calves/stores performed up the way? As a farmer buyer wouldn't you want to know about health...
  10. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    The point is you can still use a paper based system if that suits you better - simply carry on as you are for ever (or as long as is permitted) Just tag the calves as you do already. But the tag has a chip in it. What really is the problem? I must be one of the few but EID is a massive assist...
  11. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    Absolutely agree on every point I't is so much easier and more accurate than writing loads of lists then transferring them to the medicine book/movement book. And signing and stickering passports. God some of you chaps must love paperwork - that's all I can say!! If the tag says on it exactly...
  12. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    It would appear that some aren't adhering to present regulations - there is no wonder that the authorities want to plug that gap. Could it just be the lack of regard and will to sidestep any regulation by some is a driver for all this? Some naysayers perhaps need to take a tad of responsibility...
  13. T

    New livestock EID measures announced by Michael Gove

    UK sheep tags are FDX - from what you are saying that might be part of the problem over here which aggravated some UK farmers. Its a shame if that is the case. Obviously the powers that be need to research thoroughly and implement the best technology out there.
  14. T

    Robert Forster: Wide adoption of contract rearing processor owned beef cattle moves closer.

    So we are in similar positions and for that I respect you immensely but I think on some things we will have to agree to disagree or disagree to disagree if you prefer:):) Personally I prefer the former.:)
  15. T

    Robert Forster: Wide adoption of contract rearing processor owned beef cattle moves closer.

    Thank you for saying so and the debate is good. I accept there will be challenges in any new system. the alternative is to leave things as they are and deal with their "tails of tactics" as they arrive. One thing for sure is minds need to be open to deal with the challenges around the corner...
  16. T

    Robert Forster: Wide adoption of contract rearing processor owned beef cattle moves closer.

  17. T

    Robert Forster: Wide adoption of contract rearing processor owned beef cattle moves closer.

    Porcine aviation. :whistle: As an example, the union and its minions set up a Wildlife management agreement with NE. It had conditions and was a legal and binding contract, paid for by the farmer signatories up front. Last year Defra tacked on two additions to cattle farmers within the areas...
  18. T

    Robert Forster: Wide adoption of contract rearing processor owned beef cattle moves closer.

    At least I asked before throwing in assertions
  19. T

    Robert Forster: Wide adoption of contract rearing processor owned beef cattle moves closer.

    I didn't inherit my grandfathers business either did you inherit?
  20. T

    Robert Forster: Wide adoption of contract rearing processor owned beef cattle moves closer.

    So just how much power have you got over the supermarkets then? Probably no more than the rest of us