LAMMA 2018


Has there been any prices set yet for next year at NEC?
I have herd parking anything from £10 to £25 per vehicle?
I assume the stall holders will have to pay a heck of a lot more as well?
Has there been any prices set yet for next year at NEC?
I have herd parking anything from £10 to £25 per vehicle?
I assume the stall holders will have to pay a heck of a lot more as well?
Just read this on lamma's own website. ( Next year's event moves to the NEC, which, as well as remaining free to visit (both in terms of entry and car parking) should protect against weather like that experienced on Thursday,) said Mrs Mork-Eidem


New Member
Has there been any prices set yet for next year at NEC?
I have herd parking anything from £10 to £25 per vehicle?
I assume the stall holders will have to pay a heck of a lot more as well?

Just read this on lamma's own website. ( Next year's event moves to the NEC, which, as well as remaining free to visit (both in terms of entry and car parking) should protect against weather like that experienced on Thursday,) said Mrs Mork-Eidem

Chris F

Staff Member
Some pictures from Lamma themselves yesterday:


Adam M

Staff Member
Wessex the winner at LAMMA

Wessex International’s BFR-180 modular feeding and bedding machine took the coveted award at LAMMA for ‘Best new product or innovation in livestock production equipment’.

The 100% British product is built in the Wessex factory in Hampshire and is effectively two machines in one. You can save as much as 20% on feed bills, feeding round bales, and spread without chopping and with minimal dust.

“The BFR-180 attracted a great deal of attention at the show,” says Jake Browning, Area Sales Manager at Wessex, “and it has also proved to be a winner in terms of the number of demonstrations and sales throughout last year and since its launch. We are exceptionally pleased to have won the award and the first day at LAMMA was the best we’ve had to date for leads and sales. It was sad the second day was cancelled, but we are very much looking forward to exhibiting next year at the NEC.”

As a bale feeder, the BFR-180 can feed round bales of hay, haylage, straw and silage from either side and only requires one tractor or telehandler to operate. Maintenance is low with only four grease points and no electrics. Fit the Crossfire straw spreader attachment and bedding and feeding can be undertaken with the same machine, bed from one side and feed off the other. What’s more, unlike conventional straw choppers it spreads the straw in its baled length with minimal dust and projectiles and up to ten metres, which is good for the health of the stock and increases the effective life span of the bedding area.

Should you want high level feeding into a trough or manger you simply attach the Wessex Sidewinder to the BFR-180 and you’re able to extend to the left while leaving the right free to feed or bed with the Crossfire. The unique combination system of the Wessex BFR-180 really is something that needs to be seen in operation and Wessex say they are booking demonstrations now, so it’s a good time to see the LAMMA winner at work. Wessex International 01264 345870


Most of the smaller manufacturers/exhibitors will not be able to afford a stand at the nec and most the big ones won’t be able to justify the cost of a big stand. Plus point is that it’s indoors but I’m guessing it will be a poor show compared to the Lamma we are used to. I personally would rather pay for parking and for entry if it meant cheaper stands for exhibitors and make it a better show

Mr Happy

As a small exhibitor at the LAMMA show I am unable to justify the cost of going to the NEC. How ever much I think it will be a fantastic show in the warm and dry due to the cost of a stand. There was always going to be a price increase when the show was going to be moved to the NEC it is just by how much the price increase is going to be and we are waiting to find out. Yes the exhibitors have been given a credit due to the storm damage suffered on Wednesday night but it will be on the price of a stand at LAMMA 19. However there loads of talk but very few exhibitors are currently going but where will the go and show there goods?
Personally I think the whole LAMMA brand /name needs to be changed as it no longer has any thing to do with its original roots. It is now the premier agricultural machinery show in the UK attracting both exhibitors and visitors from far and wide and requires a suitable venue. One were people don't have to walk about in wellie boots because of the mud or be on an out door stand freezing to death. If it is in doors it could possible could stay open longer so people would not have to rush about to see the whole show and the exhibitors would be able to see potential customers for longer.

Chris F

Staff Member
When I spoke to the Exhibitors who were inside at Lamma there was a very difference response to the one's who were outside. I guess because they are already paying more to be indoors at the moment.

The longer day is one I' hadn't thought of. Agritechnica is open to 6 (IIRC) and there is often things going on in the evening too.

The main problem with shows is there just seem to be too many for the companies that exhibit. I was talking to one company who attend 50 shows a year. They employ a team of people and contractors just for their shows. Imagine that, plus the cost of stands, food, transport and so on. And if I see the same people at a lot of the shows, then surely they do too.
I am not sure what we will be doing in 2019. I haven't been to LAMMA for a couple of years for a number of reasons, but the NEC just sounds expensive and not value for money. I will make a enquiries about stand pricing but from what I hear, and it could be all talk, I doubt we will go, sadly.

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 257
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...