Silage / Straw / Hay Price Tracker

Plenty of straw available in Paris….


som farmer

Livestock Farmer
These vegans are going to have to start eating hay before long, all this stewardship land going in getting baled up and less livestock to use it. Back to sisal band to reduce plastic, Plant based hay I can see it now…
think l would agree using sisal, enough fecking plastic string about ! But l do seem to remember moving from sisal to plastic, and thinking it was great !

when we used rotary spreaders everyday, and had to cut the string out, soon learnt to keep it out the way ! Today, no rotary spreader, string, and net, seems to get left anywhere.

did see on you tube, you can get net , that is the same as the net wrap, so can put it in the same tub, for recycling, that should be good .

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 246
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...