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Recent content by Becs

  1. Becs

    4x4 off roading

    Thanks very much to all who contributed to this thread - lots to think about.
  2. Becs

    4x4 off roading

    Hi, Has anyone had any good or bad experiences of allowing 4x4 off-roading events on their farm? We've been approached by a club to use some of our forestry to do several events a year, with camping, and it seems like it could be a fairly lucrative deal for us. I'd be grateful for any thoughts...
  3. Becs

    Coming Home For Lambing.

    I rarely post but always enjoy reading this thread. Passing on my best wishes for Gator and hope that he is soon back home.
  4. Becs

    Coming Home For Lambing.

    I hope that’s a breeding pair of tags in Jimmy? ( I’m a bit of a Jimmy-fan!)
  5. Becs

    What should I vaccinate sheep for.

    Thanks for taking time out of your hectic days to update. I can’t think of anything to write that is helpful/positive about the awful time that you’ve been having but your dedication to shepherding is so apparent. I hope that you, your other half and your very good dog get to have a decent break...
  6. Becs

    spectam....in a muddle

    10 years ago, every lamb had a squirt of Spectam. Then just triplets and weak lambs only had it. In the last 5 years I’ve never used it and haven’t had any cases of watery mouth. Pens cleaned and cubical powdered between each ewe, colostrum given to all triplets or anything dodgy and a record...
  7. Becs

    Which Ewes to Cull

    I make note each year at lambing on the ewe’s individual notes. - there are 3 choices; Sweetheart, Unremarkable and Bitch-troll! Due to culling, I haven’t had any in the third category for 3 years now.
  8. Becs

    Farming and the ageing process

    Getting older is something that is on my mind a lot lately. Husband is 60 this year, I’m late 50’s. Next generation have other careers that they are enjoying and no possibility of any of them wanting to farm. Farm not big enough or productive enough to support another wage nor do we want to take...
  9. Becs

    Coming Home For Lambing.

    Go Jimmy-girl! I love a happy ending! 💕 Bless her- she wore her coat of many colours with style - not every lamb could carry it off the way Jimmy did!😂.
  10. Becs

    Sick Ewes

    Metacam isn’t an AB, it’s pain relief and anti-inflammatory.
  11. Becs

    What should I vaccinate sheep for.

    I get what you’re saying - I find it pretty much impossible to hand the reins over but it’s a marathon not a sprint and yoI’d be doing yourself, and your sheep, a big favour if you can step down, even for a few hours. You sound exhausted and it’s hard to think straight when you’re knackered and...
  12. Becs

    What should I vaccinate sheep for.

    Have you got anyone who can do the rounds for you, even just for a day? I had one night this past lambing where I just couldn’t think straight (was doing days and nights on my own -stupid) and my husband, despite my refusing help, called in someone to do the night shift. I didn’t appreciate at...
  13. Becs

    What should I vaccinate sheep for.

    I think you’re well entitled to be feeling the way you do but you can only do your best, which you are doing. It’s a crappy situation for sure but today’s another day of it over. I should get in and get warm and rested now, you can’t change things tonight and you need to keep enough in reserve...
  14. Becs

    Sick Ewes

    I had a very sick ewe with listeria a few months back and the vet advised Betamox but in a much more frequent dosage. I think it was Betamox LA twice a day at 1ml per 10kg. And metacam. Most important thing is to keep them hydrated so syringe tepid water in if they won’t drink themselves. I...
  15. Becs

    What should I vaccinate sheep for.

    God, that sounds torturous - I hope the vet can come up with some more positive news going forwards. Keeping my fingers crossed that your little ewe’s lambs go on strongly. A few special sheep that get under our skins bring heart to a farm, I think, and sometimes small victories when everything...