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Recent content by DevonDuckie

  1. DevonDuckie

    Have you taken part in any Future Farming Resilience Fund events recently?

    Really interesting to hear everyone's different perspective. The fund isn't anything to do with me, I'm just helping evaluate how effective it has been so far. So good, bad and ugly comments welcome (ok, maybe not ugly)! I wonder if it's of more benefit to people who might not normally be able...
  2. DevonDuckie

    Have you taken part in any Future Farming Resilience Fund events recently?

    Has anyone taken part in the interim phase of the Future Farming Resilience Fund over the last few months? There is an independent study being carried out where you can feed back your opinions/experiences (which will ultimately be fed back to Defra), so if anybody wants to feed back (in the form...
  3. DevonDuckie

    How is coronavirus affecting livestock auction marts?

    Oh no!! :X3: That's crazy!
  4. DevonDuckie

    How is coronavirus affecting livestock auction marts?

    Thanks, Werzle. Yes, totally agree. I'm working on a big report for the Prince's Countryside Fund and spoke to 90 people at markets all over the U.K about why markets are important to them. So much social isolation already occurring in farming even before Corona.
  5. DevonDuckie

    How is coronavirus affecting livestock auction marts?

    Is that an LAA decision, market decision or vendor decision?
  6. DevonDuckie

    How is coronavirus affecting livestock auction marts?

    Thanks. By 'on the inside' I mean people like you, anybody who works at, or uses livestock markets. Thanks, James :) I'm guessing that's happening across the board? Is it affecting price? Numbers of buyers attending? Do you think more people are using things like Sellmylivestock? Worrying times...
  7. DevonDuckie

    How is coronavirus affecting livestock auction marts?

    Hi. Can anybody on the inside let me know how coronavirus is affecting the livestock markets anywhere in the U.K? Are you still able to attend? Are more people going deadweight? Are any marts under threat of closure as a result of social distancing measures? Have any of you been to a market...
  8. DevonDuckie

    The Princes Fund calls for evidence on UK livestock markets

    All comments being taken on board. Thanks for the contributions. Keep 'em coming. Still three weeks to go before write up. (Also, no longer a student, those days are long long gone, sadly) :)
  9. DevonDuckie

    Prince's Countryside Fund - Future of Livestock Auction Marts - Have your say!

    Tell me how! Responses so far have been really interesting. But we can only use material if it's submitted to the following email: [email protected] because of GDPR and ethics and confidentiality and such-like. I know that's a pain, and for me too, but we really want to hear...
  10. DevonDuckie

    Prince's Countryside Fund - Future of Livestock Auction Marts - Have your say!

    Seems to have moved slightly off-topic :sneaky::LOL:
  11. DevonDuckie

    Prince's Countryside Fund - Future of Livestock Auction Marts - Have your say!

    The Prince’s Countryside Fund has commissioned academics at the University of Exeter to undertake a study on the social benefits of, and prospects for, livestock auction marts in the UK. We want to know what you think livestock auction marts contribute to the agricultural sector, the rural...
  12. DevonDuckie

    Contractors crucial to agriculture

    Do you think more could be done to help contractors or should they be treated like any other business? Also, I've heard how some small farms sometimes struggle to get hold of contractors during busy periods. Is this a common thing or does it all depend on whether you pay quickly or not?
  13. DevonDuckie

    Contractors crucial to agriculture

    I've had a great response to my research on farm labour and am discovering how important contractors are to farms. But getting interviews with contractors has been almost impossible. So can anybody tell me on here, do contractors, especially the small self-employed set ups, receive any kind of...
  14. DevonDuckie

    Farmers and farm workers needed for research

    Haha! No experiments or electrodes. More like a cup of tea and a chat :)
  15. DevonDuckie

    Farmers and farm workers needed for research

    Hello. I'm currently working on a PhD looking at the current situation with farm labour in the UK, specifically Devon and, more broadly, the South West. In spite of relatively large amounts of research being conducted around farming in the UK, very little has been done on current members of the...