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Recent content by Mrichardson

  1. Mrichardson

    How to become a member of the Society of Ploughmen?

    I also had the pleasure of going to Roberts funeral and meeting his wife, his brother and sisters and his 4 children who were a credit to him! The journey there and back was 800 miles. How Robert and Desmond Jenkins drove to every meeting at SOP. I just take my hat off to them both, because all...
  2. Mrichardson

    How to become a member of the Society of Ploughmen?

    I have received some very sad news today Robert Irving passed away yesterday after a long hard fight against cancer! He was one of the magnificent five! I admired this man for the courage he showed by standing up at the meeting and pointing out things that weren't right in the society. Every...
  3. Mrichardson

    How to become a member of the Society of Ploughmen?

    H It must be good to be famous! I have just spent 5 successful days at the great Yorkshire show, with 5 cows! With lots to talk about when we get home! The 1st to be said by one of my daughter inlaw to another daughter in law was, you will never guess who I was talking to at the show?!? He...
  4. Mrichardson

    First a complaint

    I thought you had all run away from this lot. How can you change forums at a minutes notice without letting everybody know. To go to how to be a member of SOP I would never have pressed that button on my iPad in a million years. who in their right mind would consider being a member when it is...
  5. Mrichardson

    Ploughing Banter - aka did the earth move for you ;)

    Hi Everyone, Where are you, don't run away from this lot, I will guarantee you an O.B.E if you help me. There's going to be a knighthood in it for me. 2 years ago at the AGM I asked them to resign so we could have a fresh start with some new blood. Ken soon told everyone in a newsletter that...
  6. Mrichardson

    Ploughing Banter - aka did the earth move for you ;)

    No it's not David's ex, wife or daughter. It's a friend of David's! You know her! She's the dark blonde who helps Charlie on the gate, she's done this job for years! Her hair has now gone bright red! I don't no if it's to throw us, but I know her!! She has done a good job for years with...
  7. Mrichardson

    Ploughing Banter - aka did the earth move for you ;)

    How can they steal £140,000 from us and get away with it!! When we started selling raffle tickets we said money from these begging escapades had to go to the world 2016 and not in to SOP bank! But in the AGM accounts SOP had transferred £140,000 from our account to there account! This wS...
  8. Mrichardson

    Ploughing Banter - aka did the earth move for you ;)

    Howard Before you plough any more rounds at headingleystop and introduce me to the headman their. Now I have found this bread of grass I Carnot find enough land to make silage. I will give them £400 an acre, if you come with your Howard 150, I will provide the stuffy to put on before you...
  9. Mrichardson

    Ploughing Banter - aka did the earth move for you ;)

    H Hi Rusty I got you today. I followed someone who knows you. He gave me the slip twice, but I got you in the end. I should have known when you mentioned our meat pies, because your wife likes our pies too. Anybody who packed up today want their arses kicking, they should have done what Nick...
  10. Mrichardson

    Ploughing Banter - aka did the earth move for you ;)

    Here's another poem for you to read, sorry it's not to do with ploughing or farming but I am sure our Yorkshire poet will move things about and put other names in and make it suit our cause; The dogs once held a meeting They came from far and near Some arrived by aeroplane and others came by...
  11. Mrichardson

    Ploughing Banter - aka did the earth move for you ;)

    Just one more cat story!! I am thinking about buying that cat back and hiring it out at £20 per day to anyone who wants dogs removing from there yard!! This cat can ride any dog from a jack Russell to a Great Dane! When this cat walked down the yard all the dogs would disappear!! I have seen...
  12. Mrichardson

    Ploughing Banter - aka did the earth move for you ;)

    Come on rusty nuts, give me a clue, who are you? The next time we meet give me a wink with your right eye, I won't tell anyone who you are! I have narrowed you down to one of a hundred, because you obviously no about me selling one cat 3 times at £40!! Let's get back to SOP bashing and start...
  13. Mrichardson

    SOP AGM.

    h Many thanks for asking about my spare jobs, due to appearing on farming forum I am expanding nation wide. I have 5 men who have recently been made un employed, wanting to join my team. They have offered to work free of wages. But the trouble is they only want ( as we say in Yorkshire) the...
  14. Mrichardson

    SOP AGM.

    regarding bell clip for your cat! There are various rates: 1: in and out with fencing gloves £40 2: sedate £75 Clip £75 Total £150 3: faster cat in crush FREE Clip £75 Extras If you are a paid up member of the SOP add 50% to prices you have money to burn! By the way rust...
  15. Mrichardson

    SOP AGM.

    What is my pedigree ?? I have ploughed at Ratho edinbrough in 1957 by the way KEn was in short trousers then at ACkworth grammar school then! So I have done my time at nationals, and have enjoyed years at nationals. You may say why have I changed, whilst our family have argued round the...