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  1. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    Thank you all for pointing out the weaknesses in my posts I do appreciate it. I still stand by my original post, and I'm glad I had the courage to make it. Only time will tell if I was right or wrong. Honestly, I'm in shock from seeing those bodies lying there in front of Ursula von der Layen...
  2. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    Why does eastern Ukraine not want to move closer to the EU or Nato? Genuinely interested.
  3. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    It's called Levada Centre. Yes it's in Russia, yes I know you are going to say they have to report that.
  4. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    No, they have not, you are correct, but if they joined NATO they could or even conventional weapons would pose a threat in Russia's mind. According to the video I posted in April 2008 Ukraine and Georgia were told they would have NATO membership.
  5. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    To explain my edit. Ukraine and Georgia were promised NATO membership in 2008
  6. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    OK, this is getting confusing. Just watch the video I posted. You can agree or disagree with it. I agree with its contents. Whatever your opinions are I will respect them. I have a question. Why has Russian TV been blocked in the West?
  7. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    Sorry, I've edited my post
  8. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    April 2008 Bucharest NATO summit Ukraine and Georgia were promised membership. Why are we only sending military equipment, if the threat of Russian expansion is real we should be on Russias border.
  9. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    My apologies once again. I've taken your advice and deconstructed it. It was not an inquiry but a report. Briefly it claims the attack by the Syrian Government's airforce was proven to be a land based missile and no evidence of Sarin gas was found. (I said chemical). I will agree it's not a...
  10. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    If you look back I agree with your reply. My reply then raises the question as NATO is a defensive organisation Russia has nothing to fear. Which I can only answer with when he is surrounded and outnumbered he feels threatened. As for the deconstruction of his argument I'm genuinely asking what...
  11. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    Correct I apologise and withdraw that remark. I will replace it with if one NATO Country is attacked all other NATO Countries will defend it. That's the threat Russia sees. I know what you will say I'm editing.
  12. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    If you look back far enough they were all Slavic cousins it's lying politicians, greed and corruption that causes today's tragedy in Ukraine, thats the only point I'm trying to make.
  13. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    Because its OK for the West to put nukes in Ukraine, but Russia can't put them in Cuba. Have you watched the video?
  14. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    I'm not certain but I think the Russians are still waiting for the evidence that proves it, or perhaps that's the Skrypols or is it the Ukrainian member of the peace delegation? Then there was the chemical attack in Syria in 2017, no I'm wrong the independent inquiry proved that was the CIA...
  15. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    I agree Stalin was a mass murderer. As for Russians not being for peace, for over 20 years they have told the West , no NATO in Ukraine they have peacefully accepted 2 stages of former Soviet states joining NATO since then. But the West kept telling Ukraine it could join. Please watch this video.
  16. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    It only takes a few minutes to read,Republic%20to%20the%20Ukrainian%20SSR.
  17. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    Hello, have you watched this video? Is there anything in it you can prove false? Do you prefer insults to information? Or may be you think the US can kill as many innocent Ukranians as they need to to change the regime in Russia?
  18. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    In 2014 Ukraine blocked the North Crimea Canal which supplied 90% of Crimea's water in retaliation to Russia's annexing of Crimea. A relatively small military force and a huge Ukranian civilian population who were being discriminated against by Kiev
  19. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    Ukraine is basically two halves the western half is more aligned with the EU and wants to build stronger ties. The East looks to Russia, it goes back to the USSR the mining industry in the East needed workers and offered employment opportunities to ethnic Russians. People in the west support...
  20. haulmblower

    The war in Ukraine...

    Just checking, do you know the Ukrainian army has been bombing and shelling Ukranians in the East (Donbass) for 8 years? Because they felt closer to Russia than Ukraine. When Russia sent help in the form of military training and equipment they were accused of supporting separatists? Zelensky's...