Search results

  1. WittetCheviots

    Heptavac P

    Does anyone know what is causing the supply issue with Heptavac and when it is likely to reappear on the market.
  2. WittetCheviots

    Olight head torches

    Going to buy a new head torch and was seeing some of the you tubers in Ireland that I follow heavily promoting Olight, does anyone have experience of their gear, was going to buy an HR2 Thanks
  3. WittetCheviots

    Used farm quad registration

    Does anyone know which form you use to road register a used farm quad for the first time. Thank you
  4. WittetCheviots

    Installing new IAE sheep pens

    Does anyone have pictures or info on installing new IAE sheep handling system with the posts set in concrete.
  5. WittetCheviots

    Installing new IAE sheep pens

    Does anyone have pictures or info on installing new IAE sheep handling system with the posts set in concrete.
  6. WittetCheviots

    Ewe Rolls

    I've just bought the same18% ewe rolls that I buy every year but noticed on the bag that the fibre content is 10% this year and I'm pretty sure it was 9% previously. I did ask the makers if the change in analysis meant the rolls weren't as good as last year to which I got a long winded...
  7. WittetCheviots

    Disinfecting scanning equipment

    Apologies, this has probably been asked before, we will be scanning shortly and there are reports of scab in the area, what is the best thing to use to disinfect the scanning equipment for scab?
  8. WittetCheviots

    New shearing machine.

    Was planning on buying a new Horner shearing machine to work off a car battery for next year. However, discovered George Mudge does a similar one (see link below). was wondering if anyone had experience of having one of these machines or if anyone knows how it compares to the Horner...
  9. WittetCheviots

    Nettex Cob-I-Sel 25 Micro Bolus No Copper

    I am thinking of blousing my lambs with the above product, they're Hill cheviot lambs and will spend most of the summer on marginal croftland, does anybody use these boluses or are they a waste of money?
  10. WittetCheviots

    Heather blindness

    I have some ewes with heather blindness, how long does this normally take to pass and how is it best treated.
  11. WittetCheviots

    Treating footrot with Alamycin injection.

    Our local vet practice will only dispense individual injections of alamycin for treating sheep with footrot. I've asked for a bottle but been refused and been told I can only treat individual animals after consultation with one of the vets. To me this is ridiculous, when I have a lame sheep, I...
  12. WittetCheviots

    Microsoft Edge/Windows 10

    Got a new laptop that came with Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge which I believe is the replacement for the soon to be(if not already) unsupported Internet explorer. The current challenge I am having with it (and there have been a few) is to open pdf's with adobe reader. The pdf opens ok but the...