
  1. casemx 270

    Taking vitamins etc

    Who takes vitamin supplements regularly do you think they work and help?
  2. Chris F

    What to Read

    What do you read? If you are like us, then you don’t know where to start when it comes to other reading apart from farming magazines. However, there is so much information out there that can help us understand our businesses, farm better and understand the position of non-farmers. We have...
  3. jendan

    North American Weather.

    Seems a tad chilly over there. Wonder how @Blaithin is getting on ?
  4. serf

    New lergy

    Got this new lergy of some description, not cv19 but symptoms same , feel scrap ect , seems to be spreading cross country, anyone else got it ? Where it's from and what it's about I don't know !
  5. texelburger

    Exeter Council going plant based.

    I've just read that all Exeter Council internal meetings will be provided with plant based catering only.Is this true ? What a kick in the teeth for Devon livestock farmers and the fantastic countryside they nurture. For a start it's so misguided and based on propaganda, what would the Devon...
  6. Still Farming

    Supporting The NHS and Nurses
