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  1. Agrovista News

    Aleksandra winter barley impresses in tough season

    New winter feed barley Aleksandra from Agrovista has delivered impressive yields and excellent quality grain in Yorkshire after the toughest of seasons, recovering strongly from the effects of heavy and prolonged autumn and winter rainfall. East Yorkshire-based agronomist Dan Janney looked...
  2. CPM RSS

    Insider’s View: barley – Buzzard against BYDV

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Growing more comprehensive and steadfast disease tolerant and resistant varieties has become increasingly important in agriculture and with the launch of SY Buzzard, growers now have the option of BYDV tolerance in hybrid barley. CPM takes...
  3. CPM RSS

    Miravis launch: The promise of certainty

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF The latest in a line of new UK fungicide launches, Miravis Plus, which features the long-awaited Adepidyn technology, is finally here. CPM learns why it’s hailed as a step-change in disease control. By Janine Adamson The last time CPM...
  4. CPM RSS

    Fit for the Future: Barley benefits

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF In an era where growers are looking to cultivate sustainable rotations which combine farm practicalities with economic returns, experts believe winter barley may increase in importance. CPM finds out more. By Charlotte Cunningham While...
  5. Agriland RSS

    Growers must ‘minimise risk of disease strains developing’ – CAFRE

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland The College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprises (CAFRE) has issued a crop management update, covering cereals and potatoes. Crops specialist, Leigh McClean, said: “Frustratingly, spring weather has limited opportunities to get spray and...
  6. CPM RSS

    Spring barley: Ready for a shake-up

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF New malting barley varieties capable of producing more litres of alcohol per hectare could not only reduce the carbon footprint of beer and spirit production, but they could also deliver significant benefits for growers. CPM finds out...
  7. CPM RSS

    Adapting disease management: T2 – Nothing but the best

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF It might be one of those years where it’s sorely tempting to tighten the belt where input spend is concerned, but this could be a false economy. CPM explores the benefits of a well-timed T2. By Melanie Jenkins Variability, not just...
  8. Agriland RSS

    CAFRE reflects on NI spring planting opportunities

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland The College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (CAFRE) has just published a crops update for Northern Ireland. It relates the continuing impact of the poor weather on winter cereals, while also reflecting on the 2024 spring planting opportunities...
  9. CPM RSS

    Approval for Adepidyn

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine A new fungicide product and its active substance have received authorisation for use in Great Britain. Syngenta has confirmed that pydiflumetofen, known as Adepidyn technology, has been approved alongside product Miravis Plus – for use on arable crops...
  10. Agriland RSS

    ‘60% of targeted winter cereal planting achieved in NI’ – agronomist

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland Agronomist, Richard Owens, has confirmed that continuing wet conditions are hampering cereal growers form getting on with critically important field work. “Some areas were hit that little bit harder with the weather than others. As a rule of thumb...
  11. CPM RSS

    Cereal disease control: Input versus output

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With no letup in weather conditions, questions continue to be raised regarding balancing fungicide spend with crop yield potential. CPM spoke to four independent agronomists for their take on the situation. By Janine Adamson If there...
  12. CPM RSS

    Product in focus: In a class of its own

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF As Revystar XE enters its fifth season of use, CPM takes a deep dive into the active ingredients in it to understand the journey so far and the science behind the product’s consistent performance. By Janine Adamson Launching a new plant...
  13. A

    Hybrid rye

    Anyone growing rye/hybrid rye for a digester? Pro's and con's? Yeilds?
  14. CPM RSS

    Cereal Disease Control: No one right answer

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Given the highly variable field conditions across the country, devising an effective spring fungicide programme may feel like an insurmountable feat. Although it’s difficult to predict impending disease pressure with so many unknowns, CPM...
  15. Agriland RSS

    AHDB adds 2 new winter barley varieties to recommended lists

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland The Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) has added two new winter barley varieties to its recommended lists (RL) for 2024/2025. These include LG Capitol and SY Buzzard. Capitol is a two-row feed variety from Limagrain, while Buzzard...
  16. CPM RSS

    AHDB Recommended List: Ring the changes

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF It’s that time of year again – Christmas is fast approaching and therefore AHDB releases the latest iteration of its Recommended List for cereals and oilseeds. CPM reviews the changes including a BYDV-tolerant six-row hybrid winter barley...
  17. CPM RSS

    RL and DL highlights from Senova

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine A new soft milling Group 3 winter wheat for the North and two new spring barley varieties with potential for malting have been added to the AHDB Recommended List 2024/25 from Senova. Winter wheat Almara, which comes onto the RL with a recommendation...
  18. CPM RSS

    A window of opportunity

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With drier springs becoming the norm, could growers see a better return on investment by drilling spring crops in the autumn? CPM finds out more… By Charlotte Cunningham As the years go on, defining a “normal” season is becoming more...
  19. TFF

    Managing Uncertainty: The value of vigour 2023-07-08

    Download PDF From grassweed suppression to improved NUE to early entry for oilseed rape to flexible end use, hybrid barley has cemented its value to growers over the past two decades. CPM discovers how the crop offers both resilience and yield stability. By Lucy de la Pasture By its very...
  20. TFF

    IPM approaches to controlling cereal diseases

    Under Irish growing conditions, controlling cereal diseases is a critical part of managing cereal crops. Here, Steven Kildea, Teagasc Plant Pathologist, outlines how we can combine the different components of control through integrated pest management to manage diseases. With a mild and damp...