Spraying W Wheat


Agronomist dropped in Friday, today I got a rec sheet for spraying W Wheat for aphid/BYDV anyone else been doing/having to do this ?

Apologies to those who are getting a soaking ( tin hat on )

Funnily enough i was thinking myself was it worth it to put a second autumn treatment on with this mild weather, most October drilled crops were treated mid November following Deter. The last autumn we had like this, virus ran wild


Don't know why so much hate for the agronomists on here. If they're that bad just get qualified and do it yourself. I'm quite happy using the services of a non-independent agronomist. I put my time into other things so I just don't know half of what he does about treating crops, and no great wish to learn it either. In the event of a chemical balls-up(never happened yet) we're covered by his company insurance. Also get a good laugh once a week.


Arable Farmer
A tied agronomist is not going to benefit financially very much from a cyper + manganese spray.
IF I could make that spray I would go ahead, just too wet here now so not prepared to risk it, keep thinking it may dry up next week, but have been hoping that for last 2 months!
I do use an independent by the way.


Staff Member
Arable Farmer
Don't know why so much hate for the agronomists on here. If they're that bad just get qualified and do it yourself. I'm quite happy using the services of a non-independent agronomist. I put my time into other things so I just don't know half of what he does about treating crops, and no great wish to learn it either. In the event of a chemical balls-up(never happened yet) we're covered by his company insurance. Also get a good laugh once a week.

not hate more a dislike of salesmen pretending to offer advice,


Staff Member
Arable Farmer
A tied agronomist is not going to benefit financially very much from a cyper + manganese spray.
IF I could make that spray I would go ahead, just too wet here now so not prepared to risk it, keep thinking it may dry up next week, but have been hoping that for last 2 months!
I do use an independent by the way.

Trace elements are probably the biggest markup product of them all, sure a bit of winter cashflow won't go down badly, why do you think the supply trade dislike spring crops so much ?


Arable Farmer
So you don't go through deter crops with the sprayer in the back end?

It depends on the year. I haven't done anything like a T170 calculation but I usually take a view 6 weeks post drilling. I'm on the Crop Monitor/AHDB mailing list for the aphid watch. Numbers were low 6 weeks post drilling so anything with Deter didn't get a foliar top up. Anything sown much earlier, without Deter or with a history of manganese deficiency got lambda cyhalothrin plus a litre of MnSO4. Last year I did a follow up pyrethroid on everything due to starting cereal drilling sooner & the mild back end. I did the same in 2011 & was very glad I did - I had no BYDV but my neighbours lost half their Cassata barley yield thanks to the virus.


Arable Farmer
Trace elements are probably the biggest markup product of them all, sure a bit of winter cashflow won't go down badly, why do you think the supply trade dislike spring crops so much ?

Permasect cypermethrin costs 24 pence per 250 ml dose. Manganese cost 48 pence per litre last time I bought some. Who gets rich out of that????? Fuel or sprayer salesmen?


Staff Member
Arable Farmer
Permasect cypermethrin costs 24 pence per 250 ml dose. Manganese cost 48 pence per litre last time I bought some. Who gets rich out of that????? Fuel or sprayer salesmen?

i bet you didn't buy it at that price from a supply agronomy company ! I also bet those are not the premium products that will be being recommended as the solution by such salesmen either

and no one is supplying it without a margin im sure


Arable Farmer
i bet you didn't buy it at that price from a supply agronomy company ! I also bet those are not the premium products that will be being recommended as the solution by such salesmen either

and no one is supplying it without a margin im sure

Norfolk based buying group, but actually supplied by one of the majors (Ao, Ai ,Fr, Hu ,Pr or Za). I agree with the principle of your rant Clive, but a BYDV + manganese spray won't exactly get many Air Miles. Come wheat fungicide timings I'm sure you & Lee will have a good go at the serviced trade then too! :D

@Adeptandy - if you have sown non Deter dressed seed in September & not had any foliar insecticides recommended until now because they have forgotten, then your agronomist needs a slap and to be fired. If they have given you previous notes to say "we'll aim not to use insecticides - few aphids are about & if it stays this cold the BYDV risk will be low so I'm using Integrated Pest Management to save you money by taking a calculated risk" then he/she is let off IMO.

Flat 10

Arable Farmer
Fen Edge
it has never been a problem here to my knowledge, have never used deter, only use SPD when we have to even and no insecticides unless we have a visible problem

maybe I will run out of luck one day but really think this idea of routinely using insecticides cannot continue and thinking that using them doesn't not come with consequences and create different problems is naive

i think my almost bizarre lack of slug issues is very connected to using less insecticides
As @Brisel said elsewhere on this thread gen insecticide + bulk Mang is less than £2/acre. I found aphids, I sprayed. I cannot afford the risk of losing a 1t/ha or even more if I don't spray. In fact I think I would be reckless for not. I know this is a horrible thing to say but I hope you get it badly on a few ha so you can see what its like. And for the record, I hate insecticides I often omit them when recommended and was only forced to treat a few crops in the summer due to plague of black aphids which I hate doing. It was also a good reason to pack up growing OSR. I probably should use Deter but it is more expensive than the spray and I have to go through with manganese anyway.


Arable Farmer
@Brisel mid October drilled, without Deter, only just mentioned a fly spray as its still mild, no chance this week as yet, rain every day so far and plenty of wind to add to it, may be getting close to Christmas before it goes on at this rate, fingers crossed :eek:


Staff Member
Arable Farmer
As @Brisel said elsewhere on this thread gen insecticide + bulk Mang is less than £2/acre. I found aphids, I sprayed. I cannot afford the risk of losing a 1t/ha or even more if I don't spray. In fact I think I would be reckless for not. I know this is a horrible thing to say but I hope you get it badly on a few ha so you can see what its like. And for the record, I hate insecticides I often omit them when recommended and was only forced to treat a few crops in the summer due to plague of black aphids which I hate doing. It was also a good reason to pack up growing OSR. I probably should use Deter but it is more expensive than the spray and I have to go through with manganese anyway.

supply agronomy companies tend not to supply cheap bulk product - they will more likely sell a premium magic trace element mix, there were never keen o cheap insecticides like cyper IIRC either alway recommending a "better" alternative and many times the cost usually

now matter how cheap though there is no real justification to treat a problem that doesn't exist and WILL cause you the problems,

I look at the price of crops right now and then look on this forum how many have used autumn fungicides and other expensive products like deter and then read threads where people cant understand why they cant make any money ............cant imagine what the connection might be !

Gong Farmer

S E Glos
4x Bravo didn't show the highest margin over input cost. The SDHI at T1 & T2 did. I'm sure @Fromebridge will correct me if I'm wrong.

Wrong way round slightly, 4 x CTL (not Bravo!) didn't yield best but did margin best. Not recommended by us though unless certain rules are followed. Nuff said.

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