New direct drillers

Tractor Boy

They drilled really well at the end of march and never really stopped once they got going, seems to have been a really good spring cropping year for me as all my spring crops have done really well, not bad for a beginner @Simon Chiles!!
Glad they can do well with a 750. Mine were a poor 3t. I suppose they went in very late as it took til late April to dry


West Hendred
Walked wheat today, wheat planted after beans looks fine. Small amount of slug pressure but nothing too serious.
Wheat after osr, [emoji20]not happy. Slug pressure is ridiculous. Planted after a cover crop and I'm regretting that too. Did a good job of growing the oats and phacelia mix but think I've just added to the problem.
Anybody else struggling with same problem ?Can see why people drop osr


Staff Member
Arable Farmer
Walked wheat today, wheat planted after beans looks fine. Small amount of slug pressure but nothing too serious.
Wheat after osr, [emoji20]not happy. Slug pressure is ridiculous. Planted after a cover crop too and I'm regretting that too. Did a good job of growing the oats and phacelia mix but think I've just added to the problem.
Anybody else struggling with same problem ?Can see why people drop.

When did you spray of your osr ? Are there still osr plants in the field ?

Key is to keep slugs eating the osr (they will in preference to wheat as long as osr is there) while wheat grows away from them

With luck and good timing when osr is gone the frosts come and slug pressure drops

Here's some of mine this weekend - plenty of slugs to be found but all feasting on the osr and not touching the wheat

It was sprayed with glypho 4daya after drilling

When did you spray of your osr ? Are there still osr plants in the field ?

Key is to keep slugs eating the osr (they will in preference to wheat as long as osr is there) while wheat grows away from them

With luck and good timing when osr is gone the frosts come and slug pressure drops

Here's some of mine this weekend - plenty of slugs to be found but all feasting on the osr and not touching the wheat

It was sprayed with glypho 4daya after drilling

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Clive what do you regarding pre ems with a cover of rape like that? Does it still work if you apply it onto a carpet of rape? Or do you not pre em?


Staff Member
Arable Farmer
Clive what do you regarding pre ems with a cover of rape like that? Does it still work if you apply it onto a carpet of rape? Or do you not pre em?

I don't pre me or autumn spray usually

Gets avadex (on the drill) and shut the gate

Broadway star in spring

Seems to be a very effective strategy and has all but eliminated grass weeds the last few years, I have very little black grass however

Howdenshire Farmer

BASE UK Member
When did you spray of your osr ? Are there still osr plants in the field ?

Key is to keep slugs eating the osr (they will in preference to wheat as long as osr is there) while wheat grows away from them

With luck and good timing when osr is gone the frosts come and slug pressure drops

Here's some of mine this weekend - plenty of slugs to be found but all feasting on the osr and not touching the wheat

It was sprayed with glypho 4daya after drilling

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I did similar last year Clive. Trouble was that in the mild winter the slugs eat all the rape residue then turned their attention to the wheat.


Staff Member
Arable Farmer
I did similar last year Clive. Trouble was that in the mild winter the slugs eat all the rape residue then turned their attention to the wheat.

Yes last year it didn't work here either ! Was mild far to long and I had to pellet when the osr had gone. It's very important to monitor closely when the osr disappears

It's worked 5 out of 6 years though, last season wasn't really the norm for autumn and winter weather

Tractor Boy

I have taken on some land where we have inherited some BG. It's at fairly low levels and I really don't see it being a problem for very long though in our rotation
I hope you are right about the blackgrass, but how are you so sure? I've had some fields into 3 years of Spring crop and there is still plenty of blackgrass. The most worrying was that because my 750 drilled Spring crops went in so late (end April) due to soil conditions, I wasn't expecting any blackgrass. Unfortunately because the crops had such a short season they didn't thicken up to outcompete the blackgrass that did come and its shed as much seed as I probably got rid of in the previous Spring crops.
I hope you are right about the blackgrass, but how are you so sure? I've had some fields into 3 years of Spring crop and there is still plenty of blackgrass. The most worrying was that because my 750 drilled Spring crops went in so late (end April) due to soil conditions, I wasn't expecting any blackgrass. Unfortunately because the crops had such a short season they didn't thicken up to outcompete the blackgrass that did come and its shed as much seed as I probably got rid of in the previous Spring crops.

We had a shed load of black-grass germinate in our very late sown spring barley. Somehow though it seemed to rather give up and didn't produce a huge seed return. Spring beans though were another matter.

Andrew K

Arable Farmer
We had a shed load of black-grass germinate in our very late sown spring barley. Somehow though it seemed to rather give up and didn't produce a huge seed return. Spring beans though were another matter.
We have noticed more recent interest in winter beans locally over springs for that reason.
The fact that canopy in winters is usually more domineering and Kerb can be used on them is no doubt useful

At home i have sprayed the Kerb element already on ours, with a "just in time" glypho follow up just before emergence hopefully when more weeds have made an appearance.
We have noticed more recent interest in winter beans locally over springs for that reason.
The fact that canopy in winters is usually more domineering and Kerb can be used on them is no doubt useful

At home i have sprayed the Kerb element already on ours, with a "just in time" glypho follow up just before emergence hopefully when more weeds have made an appearance.

In the end we sprayed glyphosate pre-drilling because in many cases the disturbance from drilling and rolling was enough to shade out some weeds. Having done that it's a bit difficult to see what weeds have come since the glyphosate unless you're really on the ball.

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Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

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Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...