HS2 phase 2 cancellation ?

Highland Mule

Livestock Farmer
From what I've heard the HS2 policies are very much over the top compared to what the law (regulations) actually require. Law demands you keep people safe... not triplicate checks and multiple layers of management.
The law requires you do all that is reasonably practicable and not grossly disproportionate to the risk. Triplicate checks and multiple layers of management may well fall into that category, depending on the specific circumstances.


Mixed Farmer
The law requires you do all that is reasonably practicable and not grossly disproportionate to the risk. Triplicate checks and multiple layers of management may well fall into that category, depending on the specific circumstances.
What I was told was very onerous checks were applying to everything. But this is not first hand experience.


Arable Farmer
But would you rather live under communist rule...... no consultation, public is just told what will be, those who live in the way are told to move and it just gets done.
Well, if it takes 35 years to get a nuclear power station from planning to making power...and it takes 20+ years to lay some track...maybe it would benefit more people, and be subject to fewer cost over-runs to be a bit more like China.

Be in mind who is actually stumping up the money for a lot of this infrastructure.


Errr, that's what happened, except it isn't being done very well. The consultation was a sham. A number of people haven't been paid for their homes. There have been suicides over this.
So what are you saying... the approach has been too Chinese or not Chinese enough? Should projects be pushed though without any public consultation or should no infrastructure project ever be started whilst there is a single person objecting to the proposal?


Mixed Farmer
So what are you saying... the approach has been too Chinese or not Chinese enough? Should projects be pushed though without any public consultation or should no infrastructure project ever be started whilst there is a single person objecting to the proposal?
Round here lots of objections as they planned the route on the back of a fag packet while having a couple in Wetherspoons...
Took no notice, but hopefully scrapped due to cost


Mixed Farmer
With hindsight, would it have been more sensible to build/upgrade the links between Liverpool/Manchester/Stoke/Birmingham first rather than phase 1 as we now know it?

Was there a certain arrogance that London had to feature first to get the project started?
Manchester to Leeds, road and rail is what would have helped the north

le bon paysan

Livestock Farmer
Limousin, France


Bury St Edmunds
If you have a spare few hours and don’t mind getting yourself completely wound up by the monumental waste of your money, just park yourself by any of the numerous compounds along the route.

The waste of time, materials, fuel, staff and money is absolutely outrageous.
But it is true of any building site today. They are paid astronomic rates to do very little.
when we had a large pipeline put through, there were probably ten times more people than neccessary. Most of the time hanging around for an engineer who would tell them the next job but having not a clue how much or little time this would take them, so probably they would have it done the next day but the engineer would not be back for a week


Anyone who has driven anywhere near any of the HS2 works will know the reasons, its the collossal land grab and all the extras involved thats taking the money, just look at the scale of the works at the M6 M42 junction
Locally we had the same with the new A14, money was thrown at it, one tiny village had two roads into it from more or less the same direction, one came straight off the existing A14 with no slip roads, so dangerous no one ever used it, now its got a concrete over bridge spanning 6 lanes whilst there is another bridge doing the same job less than a mile away. The land grab was enormous, one farmer complained that he was losing land 4 x the width of the road the rest was going into lakes, wildlife corridors etc. There was probably more people employed on archeaology, community engagement and mitigation schemes than building the road.

richard hammond

If you have a spare few hours and don’t mind getting yourself completely wound up by the monumental waste of your money, just park yourself by any of the numerous compounds along the route.

The waste of time, materials, fuel, staff and money is absolutely outrageous.
I find this astonishing , I look after a bit of land near one of these compounds and have spoken to some of the operatives and even they cannot understand the unbelievable waste that is taking place!!!!
There is a sand and gravel quarry along the route. I know the farmer who farms either side of the route. HSTwats are obliged to put him a bridge over the route. He also has to farm around the quarry

The bridge was designed so that farm traffic could use it easily and it would also have a separate little pedestrian lane - nice and safe.

The quarry company says “Ooh, by the way, there is over half a million tonnes of good stuff over the route from the quarry plant that we would quite like to sell.”

Meetings happen….. long story short, HSTwats redesign the farmers bridge so that it can take big dump trucks to ferry the as-dug hoggin from the hole to the plant to be washed. In the end, they decide the bridge must be rated to 160 tonnes and have three lanes: one for pedestrians, one for farm traffic and one for quarry dump trucks. It will cost somewhere between 1 and 1.25 million pounds.

Somebody does a bit of calculating….

If there is half a million tonnes of hoggin dug out near the HSTwats route, the whole area might slump a bit. And if that happens, the rail line might shift. If it shifts 3 cm it will have to be closed and the quarry company will be fined 22 million pounds…..

Per day.

So they have a 4 second meeting and decide they won’t bother with that half a million tonnes after all.

The farmer, meanwhile, is given the good news that the bridge has been given the thumbs up. All three lanes and 160t strength of it….. even though the quarry won’t use it…… ever.

It’s been planned, designed, budgeted and approved, so it will be built.

Fecking twunts.

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

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    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

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Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

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  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...