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      Rook replied to the thread Methane.
      There's definitely a certain amount of truth to this. Although even the most efficient animals excrete.
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      Rook replied to the thread Methane.
      I suppose hens are incredible feed efficient because of their small body mass. FCR in broilers is currently 1.4 or 1.3:1 kg of grain...
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      Anybody got any out of the ordinary ideas about what it takes to get brown hybrids to 100 weeks? Aside from consistency and generally...
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      Rook reacted to Eggs and Things's post in the thread Dekalb white layers with Like Like.
      Does anyone have experience with Dekalb white birds? I might have the opportunity to take a flock of them. Whilst I know the theoretical...
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      Rook replied to the thread Big dutchman or vencomatic?.
      Valli is better quality than big dutchman with almost the same design. Built in Italy and has more reliable VDL feed track corners. BD...
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      Rook replied to the thread Calves vaccination policy ?.
      https://www.fas.scot/article/mmn-july-2023/ https://www.biocalfelectrolytes.nz/rearing-tips/ad-lib-feeding-of-calves The internet is...
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      Rook replied to the thread Calves vaccination policy ?.
      I don't really get what you mean about bloating and scouring. This doesn't happen to us. Ellingsen was not saying that you should be...
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      Rook replied to the thread Calves vaccination policy ?.
      You mean they have a yellow fire hose blasting out the rear? I feed them volac blossom which is just whey based, but seems to work just...
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      Rook replied to the thread Calves vaccination policy ?.
      Check Ellingsen's research on feeding calves. He observed young calves consuming up to 6.8 litres of milk in a single feed. We feed...
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      Rook replied to the thread Calves vaccination policy ?.
      Yea, don't know how they sleep in their beds at that. It depresses me when the calves are doing badly. I just cannot have it. They need...
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      Rook reacted to som farmer's post in the thread Calves vaccination policy ? with Like Like.
      both posts show you are on 'the ball', actively looking for trouble, and sorting it, hopefully, out, before major problems. and yet...
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      Rook reacted to twizzel's post in the thread Calves vaccination policy ? with Like Like.
      That’s what we found with ours, raging temperatures when we had the batch in and treated them. Everything would be 40+. It’d be worth...
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      Rook replied to the thread Calves vaccination policy ?.
      Interesting points. Well actually we took the swabs and there was absolutely nothing in the sample except H. Somni which is odd. I...
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      Rook reacted to som farmer's post in the thread Calves vaccination policy ? with Like Like.
      l wouldn't know, our replacement hfr calves, have always been treated the same as beef ones, only 9 this year. we wean at 8/10 weeks...
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      Rook replied to the thread Calves vaccination policy ?.
      Mhmm. I've always found that limoisin, charolais, aubrac, simmental crosses for example seem to be vulnerable to e.coli scour for...
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The London Palladium event “BPR Seminar”

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This is our next step following the London rally 🚜

BPR is not just a farming issue, it affects ALL business, it removes incentive to invest for growth

Join us @LondonPalladium on the 16th for beginning of UK business fight back👍
