Search results

  1. F

    Feeding sore cattle

    Currently feeding store cattle, various ages, rolled barley, they have different amounts per pen, we bucket it out of a matbro bucket onto the feed passage. Very time consuming and labour intensive. Does anyone have any ideas how we can make it easer while still being able to feed different...
  2. F

    Toxo in vaccinated ewes

    We’ve had a very bad run up and start to lambing, about 30 out of 150 yearlings have aborted, none of the other ewes. Sent some lambs away to be tested and they have come back with the results that they both lambs had toxo. They have had both toxo and enzo vaccinations, as we had it very bad...
  3. F

    Ewes, no lambs!

    Just been through the lambing shed to see how many are left to lamb and I’m horrified how many there are with no lambs, either lost them early on on the root field, rotten/bad lambing so left with out a lamb or had no milk. We lamb 550 indoors, Welsh mules to texel Tups and got 25 running...
  4. F

    Tb store cattle

    18 Tb store cattle for sale 540-590kg British blue x and Lim x steers 07816395059 shropshire