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  1. AnnaKSheffield

    Soil Care Network

    Hi all, I thought this webpage may be interesting to you: ; it's the website for a community of natural and social scientists interested in soil issues that I launched in June. We have a monthly newsletter with interesting stuff from the research and media world around soils...
  2. AnnaKSheffield

    Upcoming soil farmer events

    Hi all, do you know of any upcoming farmer events with a soils focus? I am looking to attend some for my research - do let me know! Thanks (y)
  3. AnnaKSheffield

    Working together on soils workshop: looking for industry people!

    Hi everyone, I am a researcher at Sheffield Univeristy ( Liz Stockdale of Newcastle University and I are planning a workhop to facilitate links between soil conservation/no-till farmers, soil and agricultural researchers...
  4. AnnaKSheffield

    a poem about DD

    Ok this is a bit whimsical, but as some of you may know I am doing a research project in which I talk to a lot of farmers about their DD and soil conservation experience, and today I came accross a poem by Louis Macneice which kinda summed up what I've been hearing! I thought you may enjoy that...
  5. AnnaKSheffield

    Agronomy manuals, what do farmers learn about soil through official channels?

    Hi all, some of you will know me, I am doing a research project on bridging the farming-science gap in the context of soil management. I'd really like to have a look at some agronomy or FACTS manuals to see what farmers are officially 'taught' about soils and soil management - but my Google...
  6. AnnaKSheffield

    Free soil sampling, no-till farms - by University of Sheffield

    Hi all, my colleague Dr. Manoj Menon and I are working together to understand social and physical factors influencing the success of no-till methods. We are looking for farmers in the North of England who may be interested in having their soils sampled and analysed by our students (4-5...