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Scientific and medical experts are due to meet soon to draw up plans for the co-ordinated use of a new £25 million human and animal research centre which is due to open in Edinburgh next year.
Taking proposals from a ‘wealth of backgrounds’ a one-day workshop is to be held at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh to enable scientists to explore all possibilities for the work to be undertaken at the Large Animal Research and Imaging Facility (LARIF), which is scheduled to opened at the University of Edinburgh’s Easter Bush campus early in 2020.
According to the Roslin Institute, the £25 million establishment will support research ranging from the laboratory study of infectious diseases and gene editing through to advanced medical imaging, surgery and critical care
It was also stated that the future research programme will inform improvements both in the health and well-being of livestock, including sheep, pigs, cattle and poultry, and in the treatment and prevention of human diseases.
Workshop delegates will be scientists and clinicians from various academic disciplines and departments across the University of Edinburgh and Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC).
The gathering will include experts in medical and veterinary clinical sciences, imaging, genetics and genome editing, and in animal behaviour and welfare.
Delegates will also address the objective of enabling LARIF to achieve ‘unprecedented insights’ into animal and human health, while also reflecting the links between animal, human and environmental health.
LARIF is co-funded by the University of Edinburgh and Innovate UK through the Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock (CIEL). The workshop is supported by the Wellcome Trust Institute Strategic Support Fund.
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