100 species doomed as farms 'sterilise 'land


Bury St Edmunds
It is time to get realistic. The greens are on on the fore foot, they know they have the upper hand since the Brexit vote and they are getting their oar in.
They will use any means to get their disinformation across, as they know that the first lie, will be repeated again and again in any debate.
Our government, of whatever colour, has no interest in farming , we are a very small part of the voting public.
The NFU did once have a very substantial voice, but it is a mouse roaring today .


Staff Member
Arable Farmer
The establishment are engineering the politics required to justify money flowing into selected "Environmental" groups and charities - whilst at the same time damaging farmers.

This has been going on for a long, long time.

We are an easy target as our main defence, the NFU, are only really concerned with insurance and knighthoods.

Perfect post

Why we all fall for it god only knows !


north yorks
in the year after f and m, god forbid it ever returns, we had an explosion in birds and other wildlife on our farm,this im convinced is that walkers with dogs etc were banned from using the local paths and bridleways going through woodland and beside hedgerows, then in the following years we had an explosion in predators hawks/ magpies etc since then weve had dimwits and their friends destroying any larsen type traps weve put out to try and redress the balance,now ive given up trying
I can happily say that I have all the mentioned wild creatures/birds living/visiting my smallholding and more too. We are continuing to plant hedges, grow unusual native plants and encourage natural habitats. a breeding pair of barn owls hunt our wild-flower bank. The bizzar thing was when we had a bat survey done the bat-man (specialist with Phd) told us that ours was certainly not a suitable habitat for these! Two fingers up to him.....
Some farmers round here try, with hedge planting and margins and good old fashioned countryside stewadrship. Others are simply horrendous and need to be re-educated asap. Having travelled about a bit I can tell almost by the road edges how the land-owner thinks and in some cases I wouldn't want to be in a conservation conversation with them.

Guy Smith

come on Guy the NFU et al need to fight this misinformation NOW people believe this crap and the longer it is allowed to continue the worse it will become, farming is being portrayed as the destroyers of the countryside and those who are meant to represent us are rolling over and allowing this bull to become accepted

We do exactly that. If you are an NFU member then I'm happy to talk you through this if you contact me on [email protected]




While you gave a stout defence there,and I have only listened once you didnt mention any facts IE how many miles of hedges have been planted in recent years, the lady you were against did IE 60 harvests left,which is not the right one, it is meant to be 100 IIRC but facts hit home had you said farms have planted 10,000 miles of hedges it is that number that sinks in,whereas if the comment is "farmers have planted lots of hedges" doesnt.
Isnt it possible to have ONE spokesman/woman who can get all these facts at their finger tips to run rings round these various environmental groups by producing facts to counter their stories,as hard as you work Guy you have a business to run and dont have the time to work full time putting the truth over, the groups do,they only have one agenda and we wont beat them unless we become more professional

J 1177

Mixed Farmer
Durham, UK
While you gave a stout defence there,and I have only listened once you didnt mention any facts IE how many miles of hedges have been planted in recent years, the lady you were against did IE 60 harvests left,which is not the right one, it is meant to be 100 IIRC but facts hit home had you said farms have planted 10,000 miles of hedges it is that number that sinks in,whereas if the comment is "farmers have planted lots of hedges" doesnt.
Isnt it possible to have ONE spokesman/woman who can get all these facts at their finger tips to run rings round these various environmental groups by producing facts to counter their stories,as hard as you work Guy you have a business to run and dont have the time to work full time putting the truth over, the groups do,they only have one agenda and we wont beat them unless we become more professional
100 percent agree with this. Whilst i think the NFU try to get their point across with the best of intentions they need a top class pr type person working for them that knows the media world inside out and how to play it.
Big firms and governments do this so surely it would be an idea for the nfu.


Livestock Farmer
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A mate of dads started out rabbiting, it was said at his funeral that he got £32 for the rabbits he caught at a farm one week. The next week when he had been paid for the rabbits he went back to the farm and bought a cow and calf for £27

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 255
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...