Written by Agriland Team
Last year (September 26, 2018), we reported that a new 34ft-wide mowing rig – comprising twin Tanco mowers at the rear and a fully-mounted unit up front – had been spotted undergoing field-testing.
Also Read: 34ft-wide Tanco silage mower spotted during field-tests
Now, further pictures have emerged – showing what we believe to be the latest incarnation of the aforementioned mowing rig.

These photographs (above and below) show the rig (equipped with conditioners) in action – powered by a Case IH tractor.

Most notably, the rear mower-units are mounted on a trailed frame that incorporates a steering system (to boost manoeuvrability).
Of course, this approach means that the tractor doesn’t have to carry quite so much weight. It also means that the rear mower-units don’t have to swing up vertically for transport – thus easing access where height restrictions are an issue.
It should be stressed that this new mower is not yet available commercially.
What is imminent, however, is Tanco Autowrap’s plan to re-brand itself as simply ‘TANCO’.
A spokesperson explained: “Over the past year we have been working on refreshing the brand.
New brand
“The company will no longer be known as Tanco Autowrap, but will instead be simply TANCO – reflecting the intent to expand beyond the current product portfolio. Autowrap will now be the ‘product group name’ solely for wrappers.
“The new logo [pictured below] will reinforce our position as a modern and contemporary manufacturer of premium agricultural equipment.”

He added: “The new web address will be: www.tanco.global to reflect the global nature of the business and to be more memorable.
“On the website you will see a message – ‘experts in your field’ – that reflects 55 years of experience.”
The new brand will be officially launched at the imminent Agritechnica agricultural machinery show (in Germany).
The post Big news on the way from a refreshed TANCO appeared first on Agriland.co.uk.
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