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Just as oilseed rape is losing the last of its established seed treatments a new option, Integral Pro, will be available this autumn. CPM finds out how the UK’s first biological seed treatment in OSR works and what to expect from it. BAA acts as an elicitor and triggers the plant to defend itself. By Lucy de la Pasture This autumn heralds the arrival of a new era in crop protection with the approval of the first biological seed treatment, registered by BASF for use on winter oilseed rape seed. Integral Pro contains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (BAA) and will be widely available at a time when the two established fungicide seed treatments are being phased out under the regulatory framework. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens works in a number of ways to protect plants from disease, one of these is to create a protective biofilm around roots. BASF’s head of seeds, Adrian Cottey, describes Integral Pro as an interesting product which has arrived at just the right time. “In the past we were blessed with the neonicotinoid seed treatments which formed the basis of OSR seed treatment for years. More recently, the reliance has been on fungicide seed treatments but thiram, the…
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