Good day everyone! I have a Case 5150 manufactured in 1996 and I am pleased with him except 2 facts: for a whatever reason when I fully steer left or right the power is cut off and I have to press down one or two times the clutch in order to move further (tractor's engine is running during whole process ) and this is became annoying, I have talked with a mechanic and he said that it might be a faulty sensor which is located near the clutch pedal but I want to check other opinion's before I start acting. The second fact is regarding the hydraulic system, seems like manual lifting does not work, I set the automated lever in the right position to use the manual lifting but still nothing. I investigated a little bit this issue and saw that there is fluid running in the system, however noticed a solenoid which is located near hydraulic distribuitor but to reach it I have to take down the seat. If anyone encountered one of this issue I will be thankful if I could get any information to solve this issues, thank you.