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The quest is on for the UK’s arable Climate Change Champions who will make a palpable difference to the industry’s progression towards Net Zero. Here’s how CPM readers can get involved. Net Zero isn’t a journey farmers face on their own. It’s one that unites the entire UK farming industry towards a common goal. By Tom Allen-Stevens While the discussion over climate change could be said to be heating up faster than the global warming that lies at the heart of the issue, there appears to be one crucial element missing: those who will provide the solutions. This is where a brand-new initiative, delivered by CPM, is set to step in. We’re working with industry partners to find UK Farming’s Climate Change Champions – those with the ideas, the progressive outlook and the determination to shape positive change. UK Farming’s Climate Change Champions will be those with the ideas, the progressive outlook and the determination to shape positive change. It follows hot on the heels of the recent launch of NFU’s Achieving Net Zero report, for which president Minette Batters said she recognised British Farming’s “unique position as both a source and a store for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions…
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