Is anyone currently doing the below?
I was thinking of bolstering my suckler turnover / income with a new venture of buying in well-bred Lim x British Friesian or Lim x Flekveigh heifer calves and rearing them from a day / week old. I have worked it out that I can buy and keep them until they calf at 2 year old or 25 / 26 months for approx.. £780 each.
My plan would be to buy 6 x calves every 6 months going forward. There would be no return for the first 2 years but after that I would have 6 to sell every 6 months (all being well) with a calf at foot.
Milk bred heifer with calf at foot will make at least £1000 going as far as £1200.
Assuming they make an average of £1,000 each - £780 cost then each heifer should leave a profit of £220+. Assuming that after 2 years I average 12 a year my profit should be £2640 per year or £50 a week.
£50 a week does not seem like much, but it’s another string to my bow and will increase turnover if I ever wish to borrow for land again.
Obviously there will be the odd loss etc. but that’s life.
If it went well I could increase numbers.
Thoughts please?
I was thinking of bolstering my suckler turnover / income with a new venture of buying in well-bred Lim x British Friesian or Lim x Flekveigh heifer calves and rearing them from a day / week old. I have worked it out that I can buy and keep them until they calf at 2 year old or 25 / 26 months for approx.. £780 each.
My plan would be to buy 6 x calves every 6 months going forward. There would be no return for the first 2 years but after that I would have 6 to sell every 6 months (all being well) with a calf at foot.
Milk bred heifer with calf at foot will make at least £1000 going as far as £1200.
Assuming they make an average of £1,000 each - £780 cost then each heifer should leave a profit of £220+. Assuming that after 2 years I average 12 a year my profit should be £2640 per year or £50 a week.
£50 a week does not seem like much, but it’s another string to my bow and will increase turnover if I ever wish to borrow for land again.
Obviously there will be the odd loss etc. but that’s life.
If it went well I could increase numbers.
Thoughts please?