Do you calculate your farm carbon footprint?


Mixed Farmer
Do you calculate your farm's carbon footprint?

BS Exercise as far as I am concerned until I see a financial return for the time spent! As for my farming in itself, a totally irrelevant exercise.

As part of my enviro scheme, I was asked if I would take part in a calculation exercise. It was abandoned as:

a) Being near on impossible to do with the calculator.
b) No farmers wanted to spend the amount of time needed, on an essentially futile exercise.
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Livestock Farmer
Do you calculate your farm's carbon footprint?
@Dr Renuka Thakore
On a serious note, we on TFF would welcome your views on where our industry currently stands regarding the carbon debate.
Clearly you are in a position to influence policy. We would just like to know where you are coming from, and if you'd be willing to stand up and shout out on our behalf about all of the corporate greenwashing that is undermining agriculture in the UK.
not necessarily as in a wet year your crops will produce more biomass thus capturing more carbon either above,as leaves or below ground as roots mindst your final analysis is correct in that it makes bugger all difference ,such is the world of measuring this carbon foot print bal---s
Not necessarily.
I reckon last autumn virtually every seed germinated and grew, this year quite a few have died off before they’ve got out of the ground. And as much as I’m disappointed at the patches in my crops this year, reality is there’s plenty far worse.
And for every seed that’s died, there’s probably a handful that are growing in less than ideal conditions. I’m not an arable farmer, just a simple dairy farmer growing a bit of corn but my gut feeling at this early stage is that a ton per acre has been knocked off yield potential


Livestock Farmer
Don’t get me started :X3:

I rather suspect that the Dr meant to start this thread as a poll but hasn‘t managed to work out how to do it. There’ll no doubt be a research consideration for such ineptitude. (Apols for my rudeness).
Well, the Dr has set a rabbit running now and when she gets back to her desk (an hour later this morning!) there will be more content than she bargained for.
I do hope she rises to the challenge


Arable Farmer
Other than producing less children and reducing fossil fuel usage and waste there’s nothing else we can do that will make any more than 3/8 of FA difference particularly in food production.
It’s time somebody in government got a grip and ended this smoke and mirrors carbon footprint fraud that will do nothing but line the pockets of the usual spivs and speculators while offshoring production to places out of sight and out of mind while ruining businesses and destroying livelihoods here.


Mixed Farmer

Perhaps the OP should have included her CV!!​

I cannot understand what any of this means anyway.


Dr Renuka Thakore, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons) PIEMA AFHEA, Founder of Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnership Network, University College of Estate Management, UK, provides leadership to a global network, administering multidisciplinary activities and research partnerships development platform. Her research interests include sustainability and sustainable development and transformations. Her passion is to investigate the challenges of natural and societal systems and identify emerging trends that are competent in offering sustainable solutions. She contributes to this knowledge by revealing the strategic reality of real-world problems researched through transdisciplinarity and systems thinking. She is trying to widen the knowledge base from concepts to the real world, bringing together technologies, future scenarios, different elements of the built environment, societal systems evaluated through the multi-dimensional integrated framing of sustainable development.
Hits the Full House, on Buzzword Bingo!


Livestock Farmer
But why should we be responsible for our concrete? We’ve paid for it. Shouldn’t that be the responsibility of the concrete industry? Seems fair doesn’t it? But if that’s fair then why does the Scope 1,2,3 industry exist? Control and obfuscation. Not me guv, look over there (sayeth the supermarkets).
Scope 3 doesn't go against the flow, back up river - unless a new regulation says otherwise..

Here's my current view. Tell me where I'm wrong? :)

Simply put, there are many competing powers way above us all wanting their cut of everything we do. We just have to hold our nerve.

An analogy:
The NHS is free at the point of use. But behind the patient receiving care/medicine is a vast set of organisations and systems all geared and levered to make that free health care happen. These people make a lot happen and are well paid for it.

Food is similar. There are lots of competing wealth-extractors putting mechanisms in place to take their percentages. They too make a lot of money in return for selling very cheap food.

What's changed is inflation.

Farmers are being asked to operate on over-priced land whilst being under-paid for their produce. It is only natural then, that the prospect of carbon tax redistribution has captured some of our attentions.

We little people either believe what we are told and follow and pay. Or we don't.

HMG clearly is sitting this one out so, farmers need to decide together or not. Simple.
If CO2 doubled to 800ppm temperatures would rise by 0.3 degrees centigrade, this would take about 700 years at current emission levels

2021 Carbon Credit Market in Europe was 760+ BILLION Euros paid for by poor people giving to rich politicians - just the start of that market, approaching the GDP of the UK


Well i'd be happy to produce 20% less food on a global scale
it might actually have a realistic value at the farmgate.
Dr Renuka do you think that food is too cheap for all the costs
involved and that is a major problem in reducing the carbon footprint
on farms ?
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Perhaps the OP should have included her CV!!​

I cannot understand what any of this means anyway.


Dr Renuka Thakore, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons) PIEMA AFHEA, Founder of Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnership Network, University College of Estate Management, UK, provides leadership to a global network, administering multidisciplinary activities and research partnerships development platform. Her research interests include sustainability and sustainable development and transformations. Her passion is to investigate the challenges of natural and societal systems and identify emerging trends that are competent in offering sustainable solutions. She contributes to this knowledge by revealing the strategic reality of real-world problems researched through transdisciplinarity and systems thinking. She is trying to widen the knowledge base from concepts to the real world, bringing together technologies, future scenarios, different elements of the built environment, societal systems evaluated through the multi-dimensional integrated framing of sustainable development.

Basically she's setup up a company to take advantage of the legislation, regulation & money in the system - like all Civil Servants do, manufacture the problem then provide the "Solution" at nice little cost of course

It's question of who has the biggest slice


West Fife
I wonder what the good Doc did as a job before landing this gig?

If this is their first, then who taught the apprenticeship? How does one learn to become such an esteemed boffin?

Sorry for the questions, but it baffles me how these people justify their employment, a bit like "influencers" they only survive because people are daft enough to pay them!!

An Gof


Perhaps the OP should have included her CV!!​

I cannot understand what any of this means anyway.


Dr Renuka Thakore, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons) PIEMA AFHEA, Founder of Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnership Network, University College of Estate Management, UK, provides leadership to a global network, administering multidisciplinary activities and research partnerships development platform. Her research interests include sustainability and sustainable development and transformations. Her passion is to investigate the challenges of natural and societal systems and identify emerging trends that are competent in offering sustainable solutions. She contributes to this knowledge by revealing the strategic reality of real-world problems researched through transdisciplinarity and systems thinking. She is trying to widen the knowledge base from concepts to the real world, bringing together technologies, future scenarios, different elements of the built environment, societal systems evaluated through the multi-dimensional integrated framing of sustainable development.

Another one making more out of it than us 🤦👎👎


Livestock Farmer
Do you calculate your farm's carbon footprint?


Because now I know that the "scientific" calculations are utterly flawed, skewed, and worthless

A few extracts from my CV:

PhD tyre and suspension vibration
Chief engineer BMW steering development
Chief engineer Prodrive chassis development
Self employed Farmer

Not so many words as the OP has in their's, but unlike their's, I'm qualified to know reality from mathematical bullshyte

Highland Mule

Livestock Farmer
When Greta includes all the unnecessary journeys undertaken by her spout her uninformed vitriol and that her followers do to see her talk, I'll start adding up how much carbon my sheep and cattle absorb in the day to day grazing they do on my permanent pasture. I already know which is the bigger number though, and which of me of her has a footprint.

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 119 38.6%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.3%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 243
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...