I had an issue with the top link hitch on the back axle - which i had someone in to fix. The one with top link sensing and i think the retaining nut had come adrift. He fixed that but when he refitted the top cover he somehow lost the half moon clips holding the rising hydraulic pip in place. After some 'discussion' i haven't used him again!! As i was busy i left the tractor for a while (well a couple of years!!) I eventually had some clips made and put it all back together. Cleaned the bottom filter gauze and replaced the oil with new. The hydraulics now only work very slowly, even at full revs, and have no power to lift any implement - as the revs drop so the arms drop even with the leaver at the top. Any thoughts about where i should start to look at for problems. The 'O' ring where the rising hydraulic pip enters the top cover looks OK. Could it be the seals on the ram or the pressure relief valve stuck and if so how can i check these? Help would be appreciated as i do like the old girl - we have spent may happy hours together.