I've potentially got a chance to take on around 5 acres of grassland, to produce bales in. I've been doing some research and believe conventional bailing would be the way forward. Around me there are lots of equine yards, feed shops, etc. where I'd hope to be able to sell them to.
I've been doing some reading up both here and on other websites, and I believe to understand the basic process needed to take a crop of hay. Once I have that established, I'd then look at ways to increase yeild etc.
I'm primarily looking for any feedback if this is a good idea at all. I know it won't be a small investment to get going, so some feedback from those with more experience/insight would be greatly appreciated. One thought I have to increase the ROI on the equipment is to also have it as a small business for anyone else who wants land baled. Again, feedback on this idea is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advanced,
I've potentially got a chance to take on around 5 acres of grassland, to produce bales in. I've been doing some research and believe conventional bailing would be the way forward. Around me there are lots of equine yards, feed shops, etc. where I'd hope to be able to sell them to.
I've been doing some reading up both here and on other websites, and I believe to understand the basic process needed to take a crop of hay. Once I have that established, I'd then look at ways to increase yeild etc.
I'm primarily looking for any feedback if this is a good idea at all. I know it won't be a small investment to get going, so some feedback from those with more experience/insight would be greatly appreciated. One thought I have to increase the ROI on the equipment is to also have it as a small business for anyone else who wants land baled. Again, feedback on this idea is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advanced,