Does anyone else find Huntaways to be very scared of load bangs or just a bit wary?
My Huntaway is a good worker and a great looking big dog but she is really scared of bangs, and visual things like hot air balloons and is generally a bit skittish so I've decided her temperament rules her out for breeding as I think it will be passed on to the pups.
However I keep hearing stories of other huntaways being like this and one we had years back was very gun shy so I'm starting to wonder if it is a breed characteristic and so shouldn't rule my bitch out for breeding.
What's everyone else's Huntaways like?
My Huntaway is a good worker and a great looking big dog but she is really scared of bangs, and visual things like hot air balloons and is generally a bit skittish so I've decided her temperament rules her out for breeding as I think it will be passed on to the pups.
However I keep hearing stories of other huntaways being like this and one we had years back was very gun shy so I'm starting to wonder if it is a breed characteristic and so shouldn't rule my bitch out for breeding.
What's everyone else's Huntaways like?