Cab-over Pete
- Location
- Kenilworth, Warwickshire
....I think I’m even going to surpass my own standards with this!!!
Our youngest is a determined little character, to put it mildly. Downright cantankerous and belligerent on her most impressive days.
She’s been playing the long game for a couple of years. Her aim is to have alpacas. I suggested she starts with goldfish, confident she wouldn’t give them any attention, the water would soon be murky and the fish would starve without our intervention.
But no. They are positively pampered.
Bugger. So we begrudgingly have to move up to phase two - Cade lambs. Two arrive for Christmas. This time she will let herself down and they’ll be neglected until I lose my temper with her and sell them.
Guess what? If there are two better loved animals on planet earth I’d be very surprised.
Alpaca heaven moves closer....
Her latest step on the ladder to proving herself is goats. Two of them. My idea of hell. So I’m reluctant to buy but what can I say? She’s proven us wrong all along so I have to admit she deserves them.
However, there has been a mention of Swiss Valais Blacknose sheep....
She would love a couple but, knowing they are extortionately expensive she has realistically given up on that even before she dared to ask.
But in the back of my mind I remember being told that the imperfect SVB sheep don’t make top money. A wonky horn or incorrect markings can drastically reduce the price.
So, save me from goat hell and tell me please where I can buy a couple of misfits.
I think I would sooner skip a stage and go straight to Alpacas than have goats
But I’ve already said that alpacas are for when she has a job and can pay her own way with them.
Make no mistake, any SVB sheep here would be provided with probably the best home they could hope for, she really is faultless in her dedication to her animals.
Help me out here!!!!
Cheers, Pete
Our youngest is a determined little character, to put it mildly. Downright cantankerous and belligerent on her most impressive days.
She’s been playing the long game for a couple of years. Her aim is to have alpacas. I suggested she starts with goldfish, confident she wouldn’t give them any attention, the water would soon be murky and the fish would starve without our intervention.
But no. They are positively pampered.
Bugger. So we begrudgingly have to move up to phase two - Cade lambs. Two arrive for Christmas. This time she will let herself down and they’ll be neglected until I lose my temper with her and sell them.
Guess what? If there are two better loved animals on planet earth I’d be very surprised.
Alpaca heaven moves closer....
Her latest step on the ladder to proving herself is goats. Two of them. My idea of hell. So I’m reluctant to buy but what can I say? She’s proven us wrong all along so I have to admit she deserves them.
However, there has been a mention of Swiss Valais Blacknose sheep....
She would love a couple but, knowing they are extortionately expensive she has realistically given up on that even before she dared to ask.
But in the back of my mind I remember being told that the imperfect SVB sheep don’t make top money. A wonky horn or incorrect markings can drastically reduce the price.
So, save me from goat hell and tell me please where I can buy a couple of misfits.
I think I would sooner skip a stage and go straight to Alpacas than have goats
But I’ve already said that alpacas are for when she has a job and can pay her own way with them.
Make no mistake, any SVB sheep here would be provided with probably the best home they could hope for, she really is faultless in her dedication to her animals.
Help me out here!!!!
Cheers, Pete