Ivermectin , covid cure


He hasn’t chucked it and he gives his books away free. He started and continues his channel because there was precious little information from official sources early on. He did it and still does it as a service and he has no need for the money that his non-sponsored channel creates from the pure popularity of his output.

He is most certainly not ‘anti-vax’ and I have yet to hear any anti-vaccine propaganda on his channel. He does legitimately question the wisdom of vaccinating healthy individuals and certainly children that are not in any risk group, and considering the mild nature of recent variants of Covid, with a novel series of vaccines with a relatively high risk factor and one that has been discontinued that was proven to cause an unnacceptably high incidence of heart and blood clotting. That, after the vaccines were officially publicised as being thoroughly tested and ‘safe’. In fact most of the Covid vaccines were launched with hardly any safety testing under an emergency license scheme.

Dr Campbell and almost all those guest contributors are NOT anti-vaccine any more than I am. You and Ollie seem only to see things in either black or white with no room whatsoever for the almost infinite shades of grey in between or either side. Solidly blinkered to accept the status quo even though that itself is continually shifting with increased knowledge and observation.

John Campbell is now one of the anti-vaccine grifters who has had their own course of covid vaccination, but now profit from spreading medical misinformation about covid vaccines. He has made his old work available for free, but it is now very dated in format. Students nowadays have access to much more interactive study material ~ and can access formerly hefty, expensive, reference books in electronic form.

He most certainly does know the wisdom of vaccinating seemingly healthy individuals against preventable diseases. He's worked in the third world and seen for himself the damage done by preventable diseases in all ages and degrees of health.

He is a convincing liar. He manipulates his audience into health anxiety whether frightening them away from taking covid vaccines, or frightening them if they've had any covid vaccines. This is a bloke who trained in psychiatric nursing. He knows how to steer.

All his recent "guests" are on anti-vaccine grifts of one type or another. They trace back to HART and GBD. They have a eugenics agenda to reach herd immunity by constant reinfection by a class 3 biohazard without vaccination. This is one of them ~



This thread has become more childish than the YouTube thread.

Have you considered twitter?
It's amazing that farmers, who depend on accurate science at all levels ~ from engineering to crop and stock health ~ don't get that anti-vaccine and anti-science dusrupters are behind their fear and mistrust of very sound measures that preserve life and health in the face of a pathogenic virus that's killing or disabling millions of people worldwide.

Sad to see them regress to childish ignorance. I mean that. It really is.
John Campbell is now one of the anti-vaccine grifters who has had their own course of covid vaccination, but now profit from spreading medical misinformation about covid vaccines. He has made his old work available for free, but it is now very dated in format. Students nowadays have access to much more interactive study material ~ and can access formerly hefty, expensive, reference books in electronic form.

He most certainly does know the wisdom of vaccinating seemingly healthy individuals against preventable diseases. He's worked in the third world and seen for himself the damage done by preventable diseases in all ages and degrees of health.

He is a convincing liar. He manipulates his audience into health anxiety whether frightening them away from taking covid vaccines, or frightening them if they've had any covid vaccines. This is a bloke who trained in psychiatric nursing. He knows how to steer.

All his recent "guests" are on anti-vaccine grifts of one type or another. They trace back to HART and GBD. They have a eugenics agenda to reach herd immunity by constant reinfection by a class 3 biohazard without vaccination. This is one of them ~

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How many people are actually involved in HART? I've lost count of how many of them have been totally eviscerated by the twitteratti with quite some style. I remember one time how Bridgen was absolutely smashed around the houses in near meme level comments in response to some bilge he had posted, most amusing.

How (or perhaps why is the better question?) in the hell any of these people with academic, particularly science backgrounds ever become embroiled in this I will never know. Even if you had some proper research to publish the second someone like JFK Jr gets associated with it, you might as well have saved yourself the application fee and instead dumped it on Stackexchange.

There are entire subreddits and youtube channels running on maximum debunk mode 24/7 on this sort of material now. It's poetry. I just wish I had time to really read any of it.

essex man

I'm afraid you might be wasting your time with this. Actual reality has a bitter taste to some of these folks and they often avoid ever having to be confronted with it.

I'm rather losing count but how many times do they expect me to basically write the exact same things? :unsure: Then they complain I don't ever answer their questions without stopping to think how completely banal most of them are. :LOL: The defence of their messiah I find extremely amusing. Almost as satisfying mind as the deafening silence from other quarters. They didn't have any real response to the first time I posted it, either.
You still not got an example of previous use of an mrna vaccine.
Primmie graph doesn't show it clearly but uptake in nhs staff below 50% still, i've forgotten whether you ever accepted, can only remember uou arguing to the contrary and being proved wrong.
If you keep repeating inaccuracies and it doesn't make them more accurate

essex man

It's amazing that farmers, who depend on accurate science at all levels ~ from engineering to crop and stock health ~ don't get that anti-vaccine and anti-science dusrupters are behind their fear and mistrust of very sound measures that preserve life and health in the face of a pathogenic virus that's killing or disabling millions of people worldwide.

Sad to see them regress to childish ignorance. I mean that. It really is.
Even ollie with his nhs goggles on doesn't accept this version of reality primmie


No , 250000 have not died of covid.
If you believe it and i think you do , then it's not a lie.
But it isn't true.
Do you believe that if covid hadn't happened 250000 more people would be alive now?
If covid had not happened, UK statisticians would not now expect around 20,000 more deaths per year than in pre pandemic times. I came across this article and saved it to show you the source of the myth that equated SARS-CoV-2 to a cold ~

You still not got an example of previous use of an mrna vaccine.
Primmie graph doesn't show it clearly but uptake in nhs staff below 50% still, i've forgotten whether you ever accepted, can only remember uou arguing to the contrary and being proved wrong.
If you keep repeating inaccuracies and it doesn't make them more accurate

Mate: you're on ignore. Do your own googling. I've long since given up with you. Read the fudging links I've provided for a start. How about that?

Two Tone

Mixed Farmer
John Campbell is now one of the anti-vaccine grifters who has had their own course of covid vaccination, but now profit from spreading medical misinformation about covid vaccines. He has made his old work available for free, but it is now very dated in format. Students nowadays have access to much more interactive study material ~ and can access formerly hefty, expensive, reference books in electronic form.

He most certainly does know the wisdom of vaccinating seemingly healthy individuals against preventable diseases. He's worked in the third world and seen for himself the damage done by preventable diseases in all ages and degrees of health.

He is a convincing liar. He manipulates his audience into health anxiety whether frightening them away from taking covid vaccines, or frightening them if they've had any covid vaccines. This is a bloke who trained in psychiatric nursing. He knows how to steer.

All his recent "guests" are on anti-vaccine grifts of one type or another. They trace back to HART and GBD. They have a eugenics agenda to reach herd immunity by constant reinfection by a class 3 biohazard without vaccination. This is one of them ~

View attachment 1172192
How does he profit from spreading so-called medical misinformation?
Who pays him for this?

Why cant you get into your head that he is asking if the vaccines did what they were supposed to do or may have caused other problems
What is wrong with that?
We need to know rather than have it all brushed under the carpet.

You seem paranoid on preventing the truth from being investigated.
Do you treat everybody you don’t like by trying to discredit them?

Two Tone

Mixed Farmer
It's amazing that farmers, who depend on accurate science at all levels ~ from engineering to crop and stock health ~ don't get that anti-vaccine and anti-science dusrupters are behind their fear and mistrust of very sound measures that preserve life and health in the face of a pathogenic virus that's killing or disabling millions of people worldwide.

Sad to see them regress to childish ignorance. I mean that. It really is.
You seem to think farmers are less intelligent than you.
As for the science we depend on, it is the sales figures that the manufacturers are far more interested in, way above the scientific benefits, themslves.

As for childish ignorance, sadly you need to wake up!


Not quite right:

  • Dementia and Alzheimers disease was the leading cause of death in England and Wales in 2022, with 65,967 deaths (11.5% of all deaths), replacing coronavirus (COVID-19), which was the leading cause in 2020 and 2021; the second most common cause of death was ischaemic heart disease, accounting for 10.3% (59,356 deaths) of all deaths registered in 2022.
  • The leading cause of death for males was ischaemic heart disease (38,730 deaths, accounting for 13.3% of all male deaths), while for females it was dementia and Alzheimers disease (42,635 deaths; 15.0% of all female deaths) in 2022; these were the same leading causes as in 2021.
Mostly sequelae of covid. SARS-CoV-2 infection has the effect of acceleration of dementias and heart disease because it harms the endothelium. It is systemic. I read somewhere that even when symptoms are mild, and even with asymptomatic infection, susceptibility to heart problems is raised for up to 18 months.

It's best not to catch SARS-CoV-2.

Two Tone

Mixed Farmer
Mostly sequelae of covid. SARS-CoV-2 infection has the effect of acceleration of dementias and heart disease because it harms the endothelium. It is systemic. I read somewhere that even when symptoms are mild, and even with asymptomatic infection, susceptibility to heart problems is raised for up to 18 months.

It's best not to catch SARS-CoV-2.
……….you read somewhere! Hmmmmmm.
Ask John Campbell and he’ll probably tell you where you read it and who wrote it.



But don't listen to me, some random on the internet; listen to the guy claiming so emphatically that Covid19 'is just a cold'. I must have missed that episode from Rogan. I can write the same stuff on this or the other threads a million times. What I can't do is apparently convince people of the requirement to actually read the material any better than I can understand it for them. No, they'd rather waste 30 minutes at a time watching trash on youtube when you obtain evidence in 30 seconds by reading it yourself.


For starters, he's not my guy, I just don't buy into the hate campaign against him. I purely come on this thread to read the bickering and sometimes a little fishing but I try and avoid that.
I'm just trying to understand your side of the arguement. So your saying he made all that up about it staying in the arm and he didn't get that information from any government source at the time. Not even from a politician who may have no scientific knowledge about the subject but who was still prepared to stand up and state things as facts?

From what I gather this mRNA vaccine is nothing like any other type of vaccine that precedes it. They even changed the definition of vaccine to accommodate it. Even if it is from old research it was definitely new technology not used in humans before.
Do you not dislike individuals who systematically tell lies about farming? Individuals who make up nonsense about "nature" to maintain the funding for their pressure groups, for example. He's linked in with organised covid disinformation networks that are making huge amounts of money by keeping people unhealthy.

All the science of mRNA vaccines was established by the first ones well before covid. mRNA vaccines have a better safety profile than traditional ones, and they elicit better booster immunity than the traditional ones.

Gong Farmer

S E Glos
This thread has become more childish than the YouTube thread.

Have you considered twitter?
The thing about this and other Covid threads is, that no-one who has been vaccinated is likely to look for, far less share, info suggesting they were wrong, i.e. that vaccines don't work/are harmful. Conversely anyone who declined vaccination isn't going to look for then share info showing they were wrong to do so. Hence these 'discussions' will go on to the end of time.

Imagine a post-apocalyptic world; mankind is all but wiped out, cities burned to the ground, etc. In the rubble of a fallen building a broken burned mobile phone gives one last pathetic buzz as ollie makes one more retort to essexman. :greyalien:


I'm afraid you might be wasting your time with this. Actual reality has a bitter taste to some of these folks and they often avoid ever having to be confronted with it.

I'm rather losing count but how many times do they expect me to basically write the exact same things? :unsure: Then they complain I don't ever answer their questions without stopping to think how completely banal most of them are. :LOL: The defence of their messiah I find extremely amusing. Almost as satisfying mind as the deafening silence from other quarters. They didn't have any real response to the first time I posted it, either.

I found this from the before times. I really am sad to see farmers so far down the rabbit hole of covid downplaying and misinformation ~

The flat earth conspiracy theory won't kill anyone, but the utter nonsense about covid has.


Livestock Farmer
North Wales
All the science of mRNA vaccines was established by the first ones well before covid. mRNA vaccines have a better safety profile than traditional ones, and they elicit better booster immunity than the traditional ones.
So the science was all established well before COVID, I accept that, but no-one actually found a use for it in all that time after spending all that money developing it, yet not fully testing it, until COVID came along. Unless you can help Ollie with a name of one of the human vaccines that previously used the mRNA vaccine technology.

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 252
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...