James Butt-Evans and Matt Stearn look in to the minerals, urea and fats markets and how the pricing of these products is looking for the remainder of the year.
Global market factors can affect the pricing in the UK; be that a boat stuck in the Suez canal, Biden’s green policy around biodiesel or even a chemical fire in BASF, Germany! The team talk you through how these global events are affecting prices in urea, minerals and palm fats foreseeing that they are likely to remain high for Q2, before hopefully smoothing out in Q3 & 4.
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Global market factors can affect the pricing in the UK; be that a boat stuck in the Suez canal, Biden’s green policy around biodiesel or even a chemical fire in BASF, Germany! The team talk you through how these global events are affecting prices in urea, minerals and palm fats foreseeing that they are likely to remain high for Q2, before hopefully smoothing out in Q3 & 4.
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