Dear reader,
my name is Olga and I am a Human Geography student at Stockholm University. Right now, I am writing my thesis on the new Agricultural Bill with its focus on paying for public goods. I am particularly interested in getting to know the perceptions of farmers on the future of farming post-Brexit and the challenges/opportunities they foresee. I would like to get in touch with farmers and have a short interview on that (30-45 min). It is not necessary that you know the new Agricultural Bill by heart.
I am staying in Mersham until March 18th so if you are willing to participate I could visit your farm or we could do a Skype interview instead.
It would be of great help!
Kind regards,
my name is Olga and I am a Human Geography student at Stockholm University. Right now, I am writing my thesis on the new Agricultural Bill with its focus on paying for public goods. I am particularly interested in getting to know the perceptions of farmers on the future of farming post-Brexit and the challenges/opportunities they foresee. I would like to get in touch with farmers and have a short interview on that (30-45 min). It is not necessary that you know the new Agricultural Bill by heart.
I am staying in Mersham until March 18th so if you are willing to participate I could visit your farm or we could do a Skype interview instead.
It would be of great help!
Kind regards,