what should you look out for when buying 4345 2wd.is gearbox with speedshift lever on right side of dash +stubby gearstick with R+123 any good.how does it compare to a 6265 with dynashift gearbox?
Nothin wrong with either tractor or tranny. Just depends what u want. The 43 is lighter with less lift capacity and the 62 is just a betr equiped tractor
pretty much. Our 4370 is basically a 399 with a turbo.
They aren't really all that comparable. One is a simple stockman tractor, bit light but nice and nimble and easy to fix. The other is a low powered fieldwork machine with a much much superior lift capacity and gearbox, but might have some electrical gremlins.
Both might have issues with brakes, make sure they have been inspected/replaced, from experience if they wear to complete failure it's basically a lemon from then on.
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