

New Member
Now, not being on the right side of 50 anymore, and always having been very confident and self assured, not afraid to speak my mind even to the extent of have no filter at times, I find myself becoming nervous of New things, even silly things like driving to new places or jumping in a diffrent vehicle.
We are about to move all the beasties to pastures new, for one reason and another.
But to be honest I am quietly crapping myself, to the extent of not the nice kind of butterflies in the pit of my stomach.
How the heck do you deal with this?
I am realy looking forward to the move, and the new challenges so that dosnt seem t be the problem, I am just so blinking nervous.


just look at things as a big adventure, yes things go wrong always have always will, life is way too short to spend it worrying, I know thats easier said than done. Just need to realise how lucky we are to be fit and healthy , only this week I lost a friend very suddenly to blood poisoning just makes me more determined to live life to the full. Perhaps the best way is to talk to your better half,if you have one or a friend you will see everyone feels the same and that makes it better somehow. Many years ago I used to go to meetings etc on my own and used to worry about not knowing anyone, then I realised lots were the same, so learn't to spot someone on their own head straight to them and start chatting, made lots of new mates that way.


East Sussex.
Should heed my own advice really. But..........
I just know that virtually everything I turn to nowadays goes pearshaped.
I just enjoy the moments when a plan comes together.
It is so boring when everything is sweet.


Livestock Farmer
North Somerset.
Look on the bright side, if there are problems you will have the experience and knowledge to come up with a solution. It is likely that there won't be any major issues because you will have planned properly. Just think how it would have been if you were 20 and thought you knew it all but didn't!


Now, not being on the right side of 50 anymore, and always having been very confident and self assured, not afraid to speak my mind even to the extent of have no filter at times, I find myself becoming nervous of New things, even silly things like driving to new places or jumping in a diffrent vehicle.
We are about to move all the beasties to pastures new, for one reason and another.
But to be honest I am quietly crapping myself, to the extent of not the nice kind of butterflies in the pit of my stomach.
How the heck do you deal with this?
I am realy looking forward to the move, and the new challenges so that dosnt seem t be the problem, I am just so blinking nervous.

Odd that, as am in same boat age-wise. However, one of the benefits I've enjoyed of getting older is that my confidence levels have never been higher - used to be so full of self doubt, although that may well surprise some who know me, as I probably did a fair job of hiding the fact. Llamedos' description of bricking it rings so true for me a couple of decades ago.

But now? Nope, if it hacks me off I either ignore what/who ever it is and move on or stand my ground. The comment above about having the experience to deal with problems is spot on -even if I can't (and if it's mechanical, definitely dodgy me even trying to deal with it!) I usually know who to ask. Thing is, in my head I am still only thirty ish - am pretty IT literate, so that helps a fair bit and by chance those around me are younger, which also helps! I also like learning new stuff - graphics etc especially. So while the bod may be slowing down physically, I am sincerely hoping my brain is still functioning OK. Either it is or everyone round me is being very, very polite.....

Keep grasping those nettles, Llamedos - this is just a blip for you - you know in your mind you are well able to cope with all that's thrown at you..

Muck Spreader

Livestock Farmer
Try not to overthink it, busy yourself wth other things if possible. I have coem to find that a day/night out where the subject wont come up to be very helpful.

Quite agree. Ignorance is bliss can have it's merits. I often find problems appear massive and insurmountable at 2 o'clock in the morning. Come the morning and I wonder what the problem was.


New Member
Aw thanks all :) To Grumpy, I am perhaps that has been part of the problem! I am sure all will be fine, but I suppose its like a comfy pair of old slippers, even though they cripple you, you prefer them to the new ones because you know them inside out.
Have arranged it now, flock is moving Tuesday, got a soakaway to fence before the ponies can move, am taking a few ewes on too so looking forward to that. Facilities I am taking on a great too, once stock are settled I will perhaps feel better.
I am sure as I can be things will pan out ok, dare I say well, it cant be worse than it has been, when I think about it.
Still got butterflies though.
Goodness knows how someone goes on moving Like Neil O did. My head would be mush, and the belly in knots

dazza b

Ok, I did, and am positively crapping it. Do we lose our bottle a bit as we age?

I dont think it a case of loosing bottle more of a case seeing the dangers and worrying more on how things could wrong instead of maybe concentrating more on what will go right! When your younger you dont always worry about the consicences(not sure on spelling lol) so you tend not to worry and get nervous the same, well i hope all goes well and you can take plenty of positive vibes off here all the best Dazza B


New Member
The flock are now installed in their new home :):) momentary wobble when let down with sheep trailer, but then mate lent me his brand new tri axle cattle trailer, massive, so had to borrow our kid and disco. So now 28 on 22 acre and yep, they are all side by side in about 30yd sq expected the North ronaldsays to hightail it to the furthest part, but they just hid behind the grannies, bit of fencing to do now before ponies can move, but half way there and feel better, thanks for support, its appreciated. x​
East Mids
I have this problem sometimes too. One thing I do when I'm nervous about something is to think 'well I've been really worried about lots of things in the past, but I've muddled through. I'll muddle through.' There are very few things that are really really important; family, friends, health - looking back, I have got ridiculously stressed sometimes over very silly things and in that respect I have mellowed a bit.


Walterp's Definition of Stress:

'The situation where your mind is saying "hey, man, we're all cool here...." (it'll help if you picture Walterp, in a kaftan and beard, adopting the Lotus position and smiling inanely) but your body is screaming "for God's sake, get me out of here, I can't stand it anymore...." (now picture Walterp a la Edvard Munch)'.

Something has changed, be it your age, your perception of mortality, your health, or any one of a myriad things, and the 'nerves' are a natural reaction to that alteration. Lawyers, surgeons, trapeze artists, high steel workers, deep water divers, shed erectors, etc etc are all liable to 'lose their nerve' at some point, and it usually precipitates a change of career, or some serious drinking - or both.

Just why did you think Walterp's farming these days....


Walterp's Definition of Stress:

'The situation where your mind is saying "hey, man, we're all cool here...." (it'll help if you picture Walterp, in a kaftan and beard, adopting the Lotus position and smiling inanely) but your body is screaming "for God's sake, get me out of here, I can't stand it anymore...." (now picture Walterp a la Edvard Munch)'.

Something has changed, be it your age, your perception of mortality, your health, or any one of a myriad things, and the 'nerves' are a natural reaction to that alteration. Lawyers, surgeons, trapeze artists, high steel workers, deep water divers, shed erectors, etc etc are all liable to 'lose their nerve' at some point, and it usually precipitates a change of career, or some serious drinking - or both.

Just why did you think Walterp's farming these days....
if you come in to farming with financial security of a past career you have no concept of stress,


if you come in to farming with financial security of a past career you have no concept of stress,


Farming is the most dangerous civil occupation in the country, but among the least stressful.

Among the most stressful occupations are soldier, civil airline pilot, doctor, teacher, etc., and 'farmer' doesn't make it to the top 10. I doubt it makes it to the top 100, really. So the idea that farmers have a stressful time is difficult to support with any evidence that I can find.

[Walterp leans back against a gate, carefully inserts a clean straw in his mouth and sucks peacefully away whilst smiling inanely at passers by...]



Farming is the most dangerous civil occupation in the country, but among the least stressful.

Among the most stressful occupations are soldier, civil airline pilot, doctor, teacher, etc., and 'farmer' doesn't make it to the top 10. I doubt it makes it to the top 100, really. So the idea that farmers have a stressful time is difficult to support with any evidence that I can find.

[Walterp leans back against a gate, carefully inserts a clean straw in his mouth and sucks peacefully away whilst smiling inanely at passers by...]
statistics are like bikinis they show a lot but not enough to count,

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 244
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...