New hedge cutting rules.

carbonfibre farmer

Arable Farmer
Just had email from the RPA.
With the new hedge cutting rules.
See below.



Mixed Farmer
A good job too, brings you back into line ('ish) with us. About time you folks farming in England stopped having an easy ride... :whistle:

In truth, hardly unsurprising really. Uncultivated boundary is neither here nor there, and the 'window' seems to be set by Twatham.

Jon 2166

Arable Farmer
So much for less red tape!! Where I had an exemption for cutting hedges in OSR fields, I still have, but now have to email the RPA with a list of parcel numbers and the crop? Surely, that will be OSR????!!!! Just done it before I forget. Expect and Inspector knocking on my door first thing tomorrow.

Hay Maker

Arable Farmer
This hedge laws do not apply until 1st July so RPA are wrong! This is unnecessary red tape brought in at great speed before the next election & all the rules have not even been decided on yet. All laws that are created at speed are poor laws & will usually end up going through all the courts in the land as the civil servants who dreampt this up still do not know what they are doing. These regs should also have been applied to house developers, house holders & road builders etc. All laws in the country should apply equally to everybody.




The rules apply if a hedgerow is growing on, or next to, land used for agriculture, including:

  • horticulture
  • fruit growing
  • seed growing
  • dairy farming
  • the breeding and keeping of livestock – this includes horses, ponies and any animal kept for its use in farming, or for the production of food, wool or skins

It includes grazing land, meadow land, osier land, market gardens, nursery grounds and allotments. And woodlands where agricultural activities take place.

Exemptions from the rules​

Cutting or trimming is permitted from 1 March to 31 August in the following situations.

You do not need to notify the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) to ask for the exemptions listed. You must keep a record of all works that you carry out under an exemption. If you are visited by the RPA you must be able to prove how and why you relied on the exemption.

Public and private rights of way​

The hedgerow overhangs a highway, road or footpath over which there is a public or private right of way and the overhanging hedgerow:

  • obstructs the passage of users
  • is a danger to users
  • obstructs the view of users
  • obstructs the light from a public lamp

The hedgerow is dead, diseased, damaged or insecurely rooted. And because of its condition, it or part of it, is likely to cause danger by falling on to a highway, road or footpath.

Hedge-laying and coppicing​

To carry out hedge-laying or coppicing during the period 1 March to 30 April. Or to trim a newly laid hedgerow by hand, within 6 months of it being laid.

Boundaries of a private garden​

The hedgerow is within the curtilage of a dwelling house. Or the hedgerow marks the boundary of the curtilage of a dwelling house (this applies to both sides of the hedgerow).

Risks to plant, human or animal health​

You need to prevent or treat serious causes of harm to plant health. Or there is a risk to human or animal health or safety.

Weed or pest infestations​

You need to prevent or treat a serious pest or weed infestation.

Work required by a statutory body​

Work is carried out by any statutory body (for example a utility company) acting under statutory powers.

Exemptions when sowing oilseed rape or temporary grass in August​

You need to notify the RPA each year before you can cut or trim a hedgerow in August to sow oilseed rape or temporary grassland during the same August.

You must keep a record of all works that you carry out under an exemption. If you are visited by the RPA you must be able to prove how and why you relied on the exemption.

Cutting or trimming is only permitted only on:

  • the in-field side of the hedgerow (and the top of the hedgerow if it’s not possible to cut it from an adjoining field)
  • the length of the hedgerow next to where you will sow the oilseed rape or temporary grass

Notify the RPA before trimming or cutting a hedgerow to sow oil seed rape or temporary grassland​

To notify, you must email or write to the RPA.

You should:

  • include details of the crop to be sown
  • all relevant land parcel numbers
  • use the subject heading ‘Hedgerow management cutting and trimming rules notification’

You do not need to wait for written permission before carrying out any work. As long as you meet the rules of this provision, you only need to make sure your notification is received by the RPA. You should make sure therefore that you receive an acknowledgement of your notification from the RPA before carrying out any work. For email notifications this will be the automated RPA acknowledgement.


Do these rules apply to my garden hedges as well?? Will there be a RPA inspector hiding in my topiary?

Or are garden hedges different? And what about flowerbeds or borders next to a hedge?

Have you taken any land out of production from last autumn?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

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Fields to Fork Festival 2025 offers discounted tickets for the farming community.

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The Fields to Fork Festival celebrating country life, good food and backing British farming is due to take over Whitebottom Farm, Manchester, on 3rd & 4th May 2025!

Set against the idyllic backdrop of Whitebottom Farm, the festival will be an unforgettable weekend of live music, award-winning chefs, and gourmet food and drink, all while supporting UK’s farmers and food producers. As a way to show appreciation for everyone in the farming community, discounted tickets are on offer for those working in the agricultural sectors.

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