Written by Rachel Martin
With just 50 days to go until the current Brexit deadline, the National Farmers’ Union has challenged the Government to answer 50 questions it claims are vital to the future of British food and farming.
The questions cover issues surrounding trade and welfare standards, taxes on imports and exports, immigration policy, additional red tape, and what will happen to farm payment rules when the UK is no longer part of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
NFU president Minette Batters said: “Today is the NFU’s annual Back British Farming Day. And there has never been a more important time to show support for Britain’s food producers.
With Brexit scheduled to officially take place in 50 days, we are highlighting the importance of farming to the national economy, celebrating great British food and asking 50 critical questions which need answering ahead of October 31.
“Farming businesses, like the rest of the country, desperately need clarity so they can prepare for life after leaving the EU; clarity to plan for the future, have confidence to invest in their businesses and increase productivity. It’s why we need the Government to urgently address our concerns.
“In the event of a no-deal, the UK will be forced to trade on World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules. That means UK farmers will face higher taxes on exports, such as 48% on lamb – which is currently traded with the EU at a zero tariff.
“We risk British food standards being sacrificed in future trade deals with products entering the UK that would be illegal to produce here.”
The questions include:
- What steps is the Government taking to establish a Trade and Standards Commission to ensure UK farmers are not undercut by-product entering the UK market that does not meet our production standards?
- How will the Government ensure farmers and growers can recruit sufficient workers in the final few critical months of the year?
- When will the government enshrine in law its commitment that the rights of existing EU citizens living and working in the UK will be upheld and protected?
“We are in turbulent political times and still face an array of possible Brexit outcomes,” she said.
“We want a future that sees a thriving food and farming sector, not a future where we see Britain’s ability to feed itself fatally undermined.
“A strong farming sector is integral to Britain’s future health and prosperity. It is somewhat ironic that despite Parliament being prorogued, British food is being celebrated and served by catering services across the Houses of Parliament on Back British Farming Day.
“British farmers are ready to play their part in continuing to provide a supply of safe, traceable and affordable food while protecting and maintaining the iconic British countryside. But we cannot do it without an unequivocal commitment from our Government to back British farming.
“I call on the Government to address our serious concerns, provide stability for our industry and recognise the strategic importance of British food and farming to the nation.”
The post NFU demands answers challenging 50 questions for 50-day Brexit countdown appeared first on Agriland.co.uk.
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