Hi Folks
These on line auctions seem to be catching on and I must say in the winter months the idea of following a sale on your PC in a warm office is great or even in the tractor cab with a mobile phone, saves hanging around outside in cold weather. I have bought a few things in recent Pentland Livestock sales and things were very easy. I see their sale this week which ends on Monday has some great lots of tractors machinery parts and collectables and especially literature.
These on line auctions seem to be catching on and I must say in the winter months the idea of following a sale on your PC in a warm office is great or even in the tractor cab with a mobile phone, saves hanging around outside in cold weather. I have bought a few things in recent Pentland Livestock sales and things were very easy. I see their sale this week which ends on Monday has some great lots of tractors machinery parts and collectables and especially literature.