Thought i’d put a bit of raddle on the rams this year to help see what’s happening so I changed the colour last night after a fortnight, lovely bright yellow it is!! Any way my neighbour, who I don’t have a very good relationship with rang this morning less than impressed that he’d got ten yellow arsed ewes an my horny ram humping his way around his field!! Turns out he’d bought a batch of yearlings and turned them in with the rest of his ewes (150) but they were lying away on their own away from his rams, looking at the fence line they must of come flirting at the fence to mine an he couldn’t stand the temptation! Luckily he uses Charolais rams aswell so not a problem as far as I can see but he won’t enjoy looking at those yellow arses!!
As my old man used to say “it’s a poor ram that can’t jump the fence”
As my old man used to say “it’s a poor ram that can’t jump the fence”