What width apart is the main 2 frame beams? On the Ransomes ts 86? And what width capabilities it has using the rear spacer ? Without moving the legs to opposite side of frame!
Front leg needs to be outside the frame. Will plough 11”with the widest (1”)spacer next to the frame on the left side of the leg when viewed from the rear.
Why are you opposed to having a leg outside the frame?
Sorry I didn't make my self clear, I was thinking without moving rear leg, but yeah front leg on outside, with what your saying seems like the space between both beams would be 12"
Space between beams is 11’. Inside of LH beam to outside of RH beam is 12” when viewed from the rear on a standard 86. Some guys used to fit 1” spacers in the cross and front beams to give an extra 1” when using what are now called World Style bodies such as Fiskars
They actually run best at about 10.5’ when using TCN’s or RWM’s. That means the inch spacer along with a 1/2 ‘ on the left hand side of the rear leg when viewed from the rear.
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