Rewilding Study by the University of Oxford

Establishing rewilding preferences in British farmers and gamekeepers

We are a group of researchers from the University of Oxford’s Department of Zoology, looking for volunteers, aged 18+ and employed in either the farming or gamekeeping sector, to take part in a short survey looking into rewilding preferences. Participants must be:
  • 18 or over
  • Based in the UK
  • Work in either the farming or gamekeeping sector
If you are interested in participating and giving your opinion on rewilding policy in the UK please follow the link: INSERT LINK. No identifiable data will be collected and all responses are anonymous. This project has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through, the University of Oxford Central University Research Ethics Committee [R63720/RE001]. You can drop out at any point during the survey. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. If you are interested in participating and giving your opinion on rewilding policy in the UK please follow the link:


Arable Farmer
@rewildingpreferences I'm afraid the University of Oxford's reputation on this forum has been somewhat tainted by a previous survey in this thread

From the looks of @Doing it for the kids reply it seems that you are maybe asking questions in a way which only allows answers that you (or the people you are undertaking the research for) want to get, rather than the genuine feeling of the responder.

melted welly

Arable Farmer
Establishing rewilding preferences in British farmers and gamekeepers

We are a group of researchers from the University of Oxford’s Department of Zoology, looking for volunteers, aged 18+ and employed in either the farming or gamekeeping sector, to take part in a short survey looking into rewilding preferences. Participants must be:
  • 18 or over
  • Based in the UK
  • Work in either the farming or gamekeeping sector
If you are interested in participating and giving your opinion on rewilding policy in the UK please follow the link: INSERT LINK. No identifiable data will be collected and all responses are anonymous. This project has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through, the University of Oxford Central University Research Ethics Committee [R63720/RE001]. You can drop out at any point during the survey. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. If you are interested in participating and giving your opinion on rewilding policy in the UK please follow the link:

Your survey reads like a conversation at a 4 year old’s birthday party

“Do you like moose or owls?”


“Do you like beavers or lynx”

And so on.......

Ffermer Bach

Livestock Farmer
The survey has one question that is very poor, regarding environmental stewardship, I am in Glastir entry, but I was not asked about it, I was only given the option of saying if I was in an English scheme and to be honest I have no idea about any English environmental schemes. I would have thought the person who created the questionnaire (or their supervisor) would have a little more knowledge. If that is the type of thing Oxford university puts out, I think it reflects very badly on our higher education system.

As to the other questions, I am not sure that the honest answers I gave give you any idea about my knowledge or preferences with re-wilding.

Basically I dislike the idea of anything that can kill my lambs and I am sure all other sheep farmers will feel the same. Eye opener looking at Alan Savory's youtube video, showing protecting the cattle on his ranch from Lions by the way!

I think if you want to have a coherent idea about re-wilding, speak to Sir Charles Burrell (Knebb Estate), who will give a very interesting and thought provoking talk, his presentation at Groundswell may be available on youtube.


Mixed Farmer
I wonder if there *is* a department of zoology as such at the minute. The marvellous concrete structure was condemned at fairly short notice a few years ago due to its stupendous asbestos content.

(I was a biology student myself there in the mid 90s, and my attitude to this modern fad for rewilding is broadly in line with most in the farming community!)


Arable Farmer
Oh dear, the reputation of the University of Oxford takes another hit from a poorly designed biased survey and the Research Ethics Committee fails in its role policing this same issue once again.
@rewildingpreferences you have undermined the reputation of your University and your supervisor and the Ethics Committee have not been effective in there roles which should prevent you from allowing such a poor survey to go public.
Farmers and Universities should be working together, however your survey undermines such a partnership.
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Mixed Farmer
I am like many here, more than happy to assist Students with their research work and have done so several times on a practical basis and also, in responding to Surveys either on a personal basis or from the odd one here.

This is a shocking piece of work. Heavily loaded questions with an underlying, and hugely incorrect assumption, that as a Farmer involved with the CSS, I would be interested in rewilding the area I manage with apex predator and long extinct animals. Most of the animals "suggested" have no place in a modern British landscape, and would not be welcomed anywhere that livestock farming is taking place. ie most of it...

I am afraid that I got through to the second page and exited.

This sort of "research" reflects badly on the individuals who have posed the questions in the survey in such a manner, and also on any Supervisor who allows such work to go live.

I would email the Supervisor with my views, but unfortunately, unless you do so immediately on entering the survey, the address is no longer available...
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Mixed Farmer
I think most farmers have a similar point of view re. Introducing apex species.

We have had decades of ‘dealing’ with one protected black and white species which has caused untold loss and misery and yet the majority of the general public seem to think that it’s still all the fault of farmers.

The actions of opinion formers on this topic (Monbiot, Packham etc) is only likely to entrench opinions further; by supporting rewilding farmers may be making a rod for their own backs.


Arable Farmer
I would email the Supervisor with my views, but unfortunately, unless you do so immediately on entering the survey, the address is no longer available...

They won’t even let you cut and paste from the introduction screen, so I took a screenshot.

Well, I'm glad I haven't just splashed 40K of tax payers (or my parent's!) dough on a degree from Oxford as it appears at least one faculty there is infested with monkeys! Jaysus wept, where was that thread on TFF the other day about having a degree?:wacky:


Mixed Farmer
I tend to steer well clear of surveys that funnel you into picking options that are not what you’d want, because they can then be used to misrepresent your views.

On your farm, would you like someone to come up and kick you:
a) in the shins?
b) in the ‘nads?
c) in the head?

Spool forward a few months and a report comes out saying that most farmers want to be kicked in the shins, so that should now become policy.


It isn't research being promoted in the survey, it's self-fulfilling prophesy based on short-term fad.

I'd much rather have food produced from a flora and fauna rich, carbon sequestering, farmed environment with me as apex Steward, and to shuffle off this mortal coil reasonably assured that the next generation and their children's children's children have the same chance of knowing where their next meal will come from as I have been fortunate to know.

We'll need capacity to feed refugees from climate change stricken parts of the World, in the medium to long term, as well. It would be a shame to have to spell that out to an Oxbridge bod, though.

[Edited to remove repetition.]
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Will you help clear snow?

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    Votes: 68 31.6%
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    Votes: 147 68.4%

The London Palladium event “BPR Seminar”

  • 12,311
  • 180
This is our next step following the London rally 🚜

BPR is not just a farming issue, it affects ALL business, it removes incentive to invest for growth

Join us @LondonPalladium on the 16th for beginning of UK business fight back👍
