My sheep issues continue, have tested grass and waiting for vet to get back to me if need bloods done but grass has come back very low iodine and cobalt. Been giving ewes bolus for years but not lambs. Been giving them mineral
Drench which has helped some get to fat Weight now. But ewe issue is I have 3 or 4 ewes with lumps like this on their face. Some right side some left side, 1 ram has it to. First one appeared in January and been showing up since. They haven’t been dosed since the lambs first dose in May, and fluke I hope is being controlled. Any ideas what could be ? Not really affected them but worse ones are on cull list just incase
Drench which has helped some get to fat Weight now. But ewe issue is I have 3 or 4 ewes with lumps like this on their face. Some right side some left side, 1 ram has it to. First one appeared in January and been showing up since. They haven’t been dosed since the lambs first dose in May, and fluke I hope is being controlled. Any ideas what could be ? Not really affected them but worse ones are on cull list just incase