Having a little think on a very wet day, I building sheep back up again numbers wise and want to give smaller paddocks a go as have done it roughly before. With my acres currently I could have 12 paddocks ranging from 1.5 acres to 2
Acres using electric fence and leaving 1 field of 11 acres for silage. How do I judge how many sheep roughly I couod graze in this way ? Have take soil samples last year and know what ground needs and plan to re seed fields as I go. Just Wouod like to know a achievable number as I build. Thank u
Acres using electric fence and leaving 1 field of 11 acres for silage. How do I judge how many sheep roughly I couod graze in this way ? Have take soil samples last year and know what ground needs and plan to re seed fields as I go. Just Wouod like to know a achievable number as I build. Thank u