We've been getting a double silage sheet from a local supplier for a few years now, it's one of those double rolls where there's a clingfilm and black plastic sheet rolled together. It's not the uber expensive Kelvin Cave one, still more expensive than buying separately though. I don't mind paying a little bit extra as the two sheets are perfectly matched and it makes the sheeting up job easier than using two separate different sized sheets.
The thing is though that our supplier has dropped the size that matched our pits, 18x45m, and now only go to 18x40m. The old sheet size went across our pit twice but won't now. I've been ringing round everyone I know trying to get separate clingfilm and black sheets to fit our pits but it's the Devil's own job to get sizes suitable and I'm drawing a blank. Whatever sizes I go for we're gonna have a lot of sheet wasted. Does anyone know of a supplier that does a double sheet in 45m lengths? The 18m part isn't crucial by any means, it's the 45m bit that's crucial. Cheers in advance.
The thing is though that our supplier has dropped the size that matched our pits, 18x45m, and now only go to 18x40m. The old sheet size went across our pit twice but won't now. I've been ringing round everyone I know trying to get separate clingfilm and black sheets to fit our pits but it's the Devil's own job to get sizes suitable and I'm drawing a blank. Whatever sizes I go for we're gonna have a lot of sheet wasted. Does anyone know of a supplier that does a double sheet in 45m lengths? The 18m part isn't crucial by any means, it's the 45m bit that's crucial. Cheers in advance.