Having just followed a trailer load of solids along the the road that were to be tipped in a field gateway it got me wondering what exactly the point of slurry separation is?
It seems to me to just create yet another product to be handled and involves yet more machinery (separation unit, pumps etc) which will go wrong and cost money and hassle to fix, surely the old argument of being able to spread the liquid fraction on grazing ground without tainting has less credence with the advent of dribble bars and trailing shoes? Increased Storage space is another reason I once heard but surely with the cost of all the kit involved in separation some extra storage space would be a viable option?
Anyone care to explain their reasons for separation? I’d be interested to hear them and learn something!
It seems to me to just create yet another product to be handled and involves yet more machinery (separation unit, pumps etc) which will go wrong and cost money and hassle to fix, surely the old argument of being able to spread the liquid fraction on grazing ground without tainting has less credence with the advent of dribble bars and trailing shoes? Increased Storage space is another reason I once heard but surely with the cost of all the kit involved in separation some extra storage space would be a viable option?
Anyone care to explain their reasons for separation? I’d be interested to hear them and learn something!