Time to batten down the hatches. Shut all the Swallow access windows etc. Renew netting etc etc. Lay in supply of scaring rockets .. don't do a lot of good but do give a nice 'feel good' factor of 10 minutes of no Starling chatter. (try a starting pistol with the louder blanks. Now that IS good fun as they have no respect for you at when they are all in the tree that you are now standing under!!! but they DO learn to!!) Put the washing line away until 2021 as it will soon be unusable. Get in good supply of car shampoo as no matter where you park it, 'they' will find it! Resign yourself to black and white sploggy cows that once were all black. Remember to always carry gloves as no matter how hard you try, 'they' WILL find a way in and decorate all gates and rails. Worry about the end of the winter when a different group of starlings pass through bringing diseases not seen before. Yes, the starling scouts are in! Just twos and threes so far looking around for easy pickings. We have probably just 2 weeks left of being able to hear autumnal Robin songs, Long Tailed Tit flocks with Goldcrests and rustling fallen leaves before the chatter starts. As if Covid and Brexit wasn't enough depression to deal with!