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Download PDF Amazone has always been at the forefront of drilling technology; with the combination of a cultivator and drill in the 1960s, the introduction of tramlining to farmers and then the adoption of targeted consolidation to the seed row for improved germination and seedling development. Their experience in combined drilling of grain and fertiliser goes back to the 1970s with its use in direct-drilling systems. Drills that deliver fertiliser into the rooting zone are back in vogue as growers aim to optimise establishment and target nutrition. CPM assesses how to get the best results from the technology now available. Applying a small amount of key nutrients within easy reach of young roots effectively gives the seed its own individual growbag. By Tom Allen-Stevens Getting the most benefit from applied fertiliser has always been a key objective for any grower. But the regulatory imperative to do so has perhaps never been greater. One route to ensure this is to target inputs more precisely to the crop, and there’s clear trials-based evidence of agronomic benefits where this is carried out at establishment, according to Agrovista technical manager Chris Martin. The same drilling technology has benefits for those establishing cover and companion…
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