I’ve got a 8050 which we’ve recently rebuilt the engine on including recon fuel pump and injectors.
It has a slight hint of white/grey smoke when running this stops when cracking injector number 3 and the exhaust is clean. Removed the injector and swapped with number 4, the problem did not move!
It has a standyne DP4 pump could this be at fault with the fuel delivery to cylinder 3 or if the pump was at fault would the problem be across the board?
There is no smoke from the engine breather and the oil level is bang on the mark and hasn’t used a drop in the last 60hrs.
Any input much appreciated
It has a slight hint of white/grey smoke when running this stops when cracking injector number 3 and the exhaust is clean. Removed the injector and swapped with number 4, the problem did not move!
It has a standyne DP4 pump could this be at fault with the fuel delivery to cylinder 3 or if the pump was at fault would the problem be across the board?
There is no smoke from the engine breather and the oil level is bang on the mark and hasn’t used a drop in the last 60hrs.
Any input much appreciated